
Theme Of Jealousy In The Salem Witch Trials

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Every person experiences feelings. Whether they are hate, jealousy, sadness, and joy. One of the main feelings expressed in the play, is jealousy. Jealousy is a very important emotion, this is because it can make people who are jealous of one another to do things they never imagined themselves to do. The thing that comes with jealousy is a rivalry, if you are jealous of your fellow opponent, then you are going to have a very heated rivalry. This was a huge factor in the Salem Witch Trials. One of the main rivalries in the play is the dispute between Thomas Putnam and Francis Nurse. There are many disputes between the two, and Thomas Putnam took advantage of his power and went after Francis Nurse. One thing that Mr. Putnam was not happy about was the fact that Francis Nurse played a big part in not allowing Putnam’s brother-in-law from being elected to Salem ministry. Another situation Thomas Putnam is not happy about, is that Francis is in a heated land dispute with one of Putnam’s relatives. Putnam abuses his power and somehow finds a way to convict Francis’s wife, Rebecca Nurse, that she supposedly killed the Putnam’s dead kids. This is just one example of a man, Thomas Putnam, who is jealous of the Nurse family, and abruptly uses his power to lie to the court and have Rebecca Nurse killed for nothing she did not do. There were many other instances where the court of Salem leaned toward the word of jealous citizens. One of the play’s biggest rivalries is between John

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