
Theme Of Power In Antigone

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Antigone, a greek tragedy, by Sophocles, tells the story of the daughters of Oedipus and the dramatic fall of power in Thebes. The play focuses on the two dramatic characters, Antigone and Creon, who both could be evaluated by scholars as the “Greek tragic hero.” Through this heroism, these characters both showcases different types of power: political power and individual power. The character Creon utilizes his power through arrogance, while the character Antigone utilizes her power through defiance. Therefore, by displaying two unique approaches to power, Sophocles is able to demonstrate how power shapes the conflict between the characters and influences the outcome of the play.
First, the main plot point of the burial of Polynices needs to be discussed to showcase the the power struggle between Creon and Antigone.The issues of burial of enemies or criminals is extremely relevant to Ancient Greece, as shown by their elaborate treatment in Greek Tragedies, such as Antigone.
Creon’s power is motivated by political and authoritative motives. Creon, the single ruler of Thebes, makes the choice to leave the corpse unburied. In comparison to an ideal democracy, tyrannical rulers in tragedies, tend not to consult their people before making their decision on a burial. Creon, did not seek assistance from his council before making this decision. Through his arrogance, he made this decision to punish and to show off his authority. In research of ancient greek rulers, “They are

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