
Theme Of Reconciliation In Australia

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From the beginning of the white settlement on the 18th January 1788, Indigenous Australians had many difficulties in which the Europeans had caused; 90% of the Aboriginal population got wiped out e.g. common diseases (they didn’t know how to treat it) and direct attacks. Non-Indigenous Australians today now strive for reconciliation with Indigenous people. Reconciliation aims to build better relation ships between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginal people. Some of the major themes of reconciliation for Indigenous Australians include the preconisation of them being the first people of Australia, the elimination of racism and discrimination and closing the gap in the health, social and economic outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. …show more content…

The non- Indigenous Australians also wanted to own property, possess bank account and pretty much everything that is automatically granted to the Australian white population. This culminated and led to the approval of a 10-point plan for equality. This was significant into reconciliation, as the non-indigenous did not feel inferior in any way shape or form. This also helped settle things between white and non-indigenous; no more passive aggressive …show more content…

In February 1965 a freedom ride took place, which drew public attention to Aboriginal health, education and housing. This was inspired by civil rights action in America. The ride around NSW went to many places, the 30 white university students from the student action for aboriginals (SAFA) saw horrific things that went public such as unsanitary living, witnesses racial discrimination directed against indigenous people and desperate poverty. This touched many hearts, which forced Australia to confront racial tension. Perkins one of the SAFA wrote ‘what we gave aboriginal people in the town we visited was hope. We stirred their imagination their desire for human rights.” This was significant into changing non-indigenous Australians thoughts by making them realise how wrongfully they were treated and made them feel so sorry they came together to help the Indigenous people achieve equality, just like every other human being.

In 1967 Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people won the federal referendum, this included them in the census. Through the inclusion of aboriginals and Torres Strait islanders, we see the harmonisation of the non-indigenous and indigenous Australians. The referendum was a significant part of reconciliation as it demonstrates how many people cared; both proposals received an overwhelming bipartisan in favour. This was the highest ever record in a referendum which also needed

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