In the story the elevator the theme is facing your fears . They live in an old apartment building with an eerie elevator. Martin and his dad live on the 3rd floor. Martin is terrified of the rickety old elevator.Then one day he is late for school because he cannot face his fears he runs full speed down the stairs. Then all of a sudden he trips and falls and breaks his leg. Then his dad calls him a coward for not taking the elevator. He Should face his fears and ride the elevator because that will make his dad realize that he is not a coward plus then he will realize that the elevator is not going to fall or get stuck inside of it by himself (what he is afraid of).Therefore if he would have faced his fears than he would not have faced the
The transition from childhood to adolescence is a difficult process with many obstacles. In Doris Lessing’s short story, “Through the Tunnel”, this idea is expressed when Jerry decides to leave the safe beach and play in the rocky bay. He strives to be like the older boys, but he can only do that when he matures enough. In Doris Lessing’s “Through the Tunnel,” the author demonstrates the many obstacles present in going from childhood to adolescence using symbolism and imagery.
Corey feels too frustrated to be grateful that there's a working elevator. He was sitting there for an hour, waiting for a working elevator. He knows that it was way past the time, but he refuses to cancel the meeting and continues his way to the interview. Since Corey is disabled, he uses the elevator. However, the elevator stinks.
At first Jeff refuse to go to this hiking trip because he was scared and do not have courage. " I never wanted to come on this stupid old hiking trip anyway!" Jeff need to have courage to save his brother if not his brother could died.Jeff did not have confilcts and courage to save his brother. For exampel in the story when Jeff says " But
I think the author is trying to say in the book is don't be scared of most things. the stories mostly courage. you're in the Civil War and you are helping the North fight the South and you almost get killed in the battle so I think this book is about courage because I would probably be scared to death. is mostly showing me that you have to be brave and what you do in all things the problem in the story
This shows courage because he stands up for both his father and his sister even thinking he was going to get hurt he still did it because nothing can break him and his family
In the book, Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand, Louie Zamperini was majorly obsessed with vengeance throughout the end of the book that his life was consumed by the quest for it. Louie felt as if the Bird had stolen his dignity at the POW campsites, where he was beaten, humiliated, starved, and stripped of his powers of self-defense. Louie was overwhelmed with his anger that the only objective he sought was to get revenge on the Bird. In other words, Louie was angered about his loss of dignity at the POW campsite, he wanted to get revenge on the Bird by killing him, and how Louie eventually forgives the Bird for what he did to him. These three reasons show how Louie’s loss of self-dignity in the POW camp was pursued.
Adversity, pain, hope, and revival are main topics in the incredible Biography Unbroken. A story of a man named Louis Zamperini overcame countless catastrophes that many humans, would not get through. As you read the book, you truly get a feel for what he went through and how he felt. During the movie you get a great visual of how it went down but during Louis’s son’s presentation, one may argue you don’t get a whole lot out of it.
He ran to his parents’ room and jumped on their bed, screaming “Wake up! Wake up! We have to go now!”
Chay begged his uncle to let him go to the hospital, but his uncle said “no”, and assured Chay that after school he would pick him up and take him to see his
In the book Ashfall, the author Mike Mullin, presents many themes through the trials that, Alex, the main character and supporting characters go through. When the Yellowstone super volcano erupts and takes Alex through a trial to get to his parents. He finds a girl named Darla and together they learn about how love, family, and survival push them through things they never thought they could get to through on their own.
A recurring theme in the book Station Eleven is the past and its importance. There has been conflicting feelings about whether or not they should continue to remember and teach people about the past. I believe it is important to remember the past and to learn where you came from even if it is not all good.
Hillenbrand, L. (2010). Unbroken: A World War II story of survival, resilience, and redemption. New York: Random House.
Scout’s respect for her father is strengthened by this event, and therefore, Scout learns courage from this event as well. Scout would not have learned as much about life and its principles if her father had not taught
You can tell this is the theme because Maddy was always cautious and never left her home in fear of harming her health. She had no friends, and hardly socialized with anyone. Maddy’s mother convinced her that she had a disease that made her allergic to the outside world. However, she never saw any proof of her diagnoses. This prevented her from leaving home and living a normal life. That all changed when new neighbors moved in next door and she began to question if she was living her life to it’s full potential.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner is 374 pages and is a science fiction novel. The story takes place in a strange place surrounded by massive thick ivy covered walls. The outside of these walls is a detrimental maze. The people in between the walls are called Gladers. They have been memory wiped and sent to a mysterious place called the Glade. The main characters that take place at the Glade are Thomas, Theresa, Gally, Alby, Minho, Chuck, and Newt. When arriving at the Glade everyone quickly shares one common goal. Their goal is to figure out the maze and get out of there. The conflict in the story is Thomas and Theresa have all the tools to free them, but the other Gladers are accusing them of all the change brought