
Themes In Night By Elie Wiesel

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“He has seen things that changed him. There was no longer any joy in his eyes. He no longer talked about god. He talked only about what he had seen that was his priority.” -APA. In Night by Elie Wiesel, the theme of how certain experiences cause people to alter their ideas about what is valuable in life; in other cases, these experiences may, in fact, change that person interiorly. This theme was seen throughout the book. In this case, the thing that changed many was the Germans and Auschwitz. In Germany during the 1930’s through 1940’s millions of Jews were sent to Auschwitz. Many were killed, beaten and treated like animals. For them to survive this evil they needed to be strong, they needed to change, morph into someone who could take on anything. …show more content…

Somehow being mad at god gave him that strength. One night Elie pleaded with God saying, “How can I believe in a God that has no love or mercy? I don't believe in God but yet I feel strong, What are you, my God?” -APA. What Elie saw in Auschwitz, the killing, the beatings, and all the evil made him question his faith. This changed him a lot, in the beginning, before Auschwitz, Elie would read the Talmud every day and at night he would run to the synagogue to pray. Now, he was angry, angry at God. However, I think that this built up anger gave him strength, strength to survive. Elie’s friend Moshe the Beadle went through the exact same thing. Before he had seen what he saw, Moshe was happy, funny and full of joy. Once he saw the Germans shoot the babies and kill all the people. He changed drastically. He became full of somber. “There was no longer any joy in his eyes. He no longer talked about god. He talked only about what he had seen, that was his priority. He now cried.”-

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