
Then and Now: The Face of the Cosa Nostra

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A brief introduction Mafia – this word is well known all around the world, which for many people creates negative visions and associations from the first glance, like violence, contract kills, trafficking of illegal goods, gambling, prostitution and so on. Despite all of these stereotypes and associations, only very few people can tell what actually “Mafia“ means. It is an easy guess, where this word has its origins – without a doubt it came from Sicily. Originally, Mafia or Mafioso means aggressive boasting or bragging and has origins from Islamic Sicily times in 9th century A.D. Mafias are concerned to be organized criminal groups with broad network of connections all around the world, which usually are penetrated inside the state apparatus and thus their existence is dependent on the state. I would like to present and analyse one of the most famous mafia groups in the world – the Cosa Nostra. I would like to include the background of its establishment, provide explanation of the original structure of this organization, look inside its activities in Italy and United States of America distinguish its image in media and pop culture and reality and justify the stereotypes of Cosa Nostra.

Historical background of the Cosa Nostra In order to analyse the inside business of Cosa Nostra, first we have to be familiar with the background how it was created and developed and later on emerged as hardly stoppable criminal organization. We have to go back to the first half of the

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