
Theocracy In The Crucible

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Reverend Hale has been accounted for making many statements inspired by devout faith. His beliefs and hope lead his actions throughout everything he does and everything he thinks. This is not inherently a negative thing, but his faith can lead to him being very ignorant at times. “Theology is a fortress. No crack in a fortress shall be considered small” (Miller 64). What if this statement was actually completely true? What if Reverend Hale was not being naïve when saying this? Well, in order to defend this statement, the truth of the situation in Salem, Massachusetts needs to be accurately assessed. Theocracy- You are truly the one to blame for all of the chaos that occurs in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, and here are all of the reasons why. …show more content…

Theocracy is a form of government in which the ruling religion is considered to be law. In the case of the setting of The Crucible, Puritanism is the belief system that is in power. Puritanism is not, as it should be noted, a pitiable ideology. Instead, the actual issue at hand is the use of it as a source of complete authority. The foremost problem with this government system is the lack of freedom of opinion and religion. In general, any situation where people are in fact being forced to believe one thing and never question it is a poor circumstance. To expand upon this issue even further, consider the following idea. In Salem, citizens were afraid to even admit to their sins, for Puritanism considers sins to be punishable by damning. Even more so in the case of Salem, it was illegal to sin. Let this paper now elaborate on this

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