
Theodor W. Adorno: The Abuse Of Animals

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A philosopher named Theodor W. Adorno once said, “Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.” The message that Mr. Adorno conveys through this example is that just like in the concentration camps with the Jews, living things are being killed because people think of them as less important. The ideas behind both scenarios are the same, which is why harming animals is just as wrong. Animal abuse is cruel, unethical, and dangerous. It is cruel to abuse of animals because they have feelings, just like human beings do. It is physically visible when an animal is having strong emotions. From the outside, the body language and eyes can tell us how the animal is feeling inside (Bekoff). They can experience pain, sadness, happiness, and anger. Otherwise, they wouldn’t wag their tails when happy or whine. (Balcombe) The abuse can lead the affected animal to have emotional trauma. When a person gets too close to the dog, they could cower in fear because the proximity would remind them of the harm they went through. In making the animals feel scared, the abusers show their lack of morals. …show more content…

Many of the oppressors are violent towards their family members. For example, pet abuse happened in 88% of family homes that were being watched for domestic violence (“Animal Cruelty Facts and Statistics”). Alcohol consumption is a very common thing among the oppressors. The effects of the alcoholic drink could be what enhances their violent behavior and dulls their reasoning. The people harming animals are usually involved in illegal activities as well. Research shows that 70% of the oppressors had been charged for other crimes (“Facts about Animal Abuse & Domestic Violence”). It is evident that the animal abusers act unethically, which is why they can be a danger to

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