
Theodore Twombly Her Analysis

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Technology has grown and advanced continuously since the beginning of mankind. At this moment in time, we are the most advanced we have ever been and our technological advancements are only going to continue to improve society. In the movie, Her, we see the potentials of future technology in the form of “Artificial Intelligence”. Theodore Twombly’s life suffers a traumatic change and instead of dealing with these issues we see him shut down socially and emotionally until he forms a relationship with an Operating System that uses A.I., who names itself “Samantha”. With the help of this new technology he can resolve issues occurring in his life that he wasn’t able to before. “Her” showed glimpses of the capabilities of future technology, and …show more content…

An example of a relationship changing for the better is seen in the friendship between Amy and Theodore. The first time we see them communicate with one another is in an email sent to Theodore from Amy, Amy writes, “Hey Theodore, Lewman is having a bunch of people over this weekend, let’s go together, I miss you I mean not the said mopey you, the old fun you. Let’s get him out, give me a shout back. Love, Amy.” Theodore promptly tells his ear piece to “respond later.” (Jonze, Her, 00:04:06-00:04:20) Theodore has no interest in going out with friends, preferring to sit at home alone. This is an apparent change as we see later in the movie, Theodore runs into Amy in their apartment building’s elevator and greets her with a big smile and an affectionate hug. As their elevator ride continues we see Theodore being the listening ear for Amy, just as Samantha was for him. When Amy admits to having a bond with her OS that her ex-husband left behind, we see them both realizing that this system has helped and allowed them to get over past issues and problems they were having in their lives. Even though the Operating Systems leave in the end, we see Amy and Theodore coming together in place of each other’s operating systems. The ending of his relationship with Samantha seems to have allowed for an opportunity to renew a relationship with

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