
Basis Of International Trade Essay

Decent Essays

International trade is historically the oldest and most widespread form of external economic relations. It is a movement of goods that represents a foreign exchange, that is, goods cross the boundaries of the individual countries or economic unit. Foreign trade links the country's internal economy with the world economy and fulfills important functions in the process of developing the productive forces and international division of labor. (Markusen, 1995)
The basis of foreign trade is the realization of imports and exports of goods and services between the domestic economy and other countries. The theoretical basis of foreign trade policy consists of individual theories of foreign trade, which have been formed since the 18th century. These theories were protectionist or liberal, depending on the objectives and the tools used. Each state has its own foreign trade policy. Foreign trade policy to be defined as a set of principles and measures undertaken by the state in the field of foreign trade using trade policy instruments. (Markusen, 1995)
The history of foreign trade relations in the world economy is linked to a dispute between the two basic ties of trade policy. The first type is protectionism, whose supporters maintain a protectionist approach and try to enforce trade barriers to foreign competition. The second type is liberalism, whose supporters advocate free trade. (Reuvid & Sherlock, 2004)
Free trade is defined as a system, where goods or services flows across the

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