
Theoretical Concerns Of Reflexivity And Subjectivity

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Who am I? The very first question I asked myself before I began my research. The first thoughts that came to mind were – a female, an Indian, an academic. As an individual I’m aware that my identity forms my opinions. My education, ethnicity and upbringing play a huge part in my research. One could argue that research is largely based on facts and figures. But I believe there is far more to research than just the numbers. I believe that research done from different (individuals) perspectives can lead to multiple equally-viable answers. In my personal research I intend to use a Qualitative method of analysis – a method that forms with the help of opinions and more importantly, one that derives meaning. In the following essay I shall be discussing theoretical concerns of reflexivity and subjectivity in qualitative research from a postmodernist approach.

“Can reflexivity be encouraged and enhanced by building it into our research methods and processes, and by creating appropriate times, spaces, and contexts to be reflexive? At the same time, is there a limit to how reflexive we can be, and how far we can know and understand what shapes our research at the time of conducting it, given that these may only become apparent once we have left the research behind and moved on in our personal and academic lives” (Mauthner & Douchet 2003).

Reflexivity is generally perceived as an extrinsic process in qualitative research where the researcher continuously reflects on how their

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