The theoretical ideas give nurses direction and guidance on how to construct nursing practice, education and research. These theoretical ideas help nurses with assessment; provide interventions and evaluation of patients’ outcome. They provide rationale to nurses collecting reliable data about the health status of patients. The reliable data help establish criteria to measure the quality of nursing care. The theoretical ideas help with consisted communication with other healthcare professional. The conceptual ideas are building block of a theory that summarizes ideas, observations, and experiences (Fawcett, 2005). The conceptual ideas allow nurses to know and understand their patients. These ideas are patient centered and allow nurses to use
Nursing theories have been a fundamental tool used to explain, guide and improve the practice of nursing. Theorists have contributed enormously to the growth of nursing as a profession. The four grand theorists I chose are Virginia Henderson, Peplau, Myra Levine and Jean Watson. These theorists have contributed tremendously in the field of nursing through their theories, and research. One thing the theorists have in common is that they are patient centered. They are all concerned on ways we can improve our responsibility to the patients, their families and the environment. They have different ideas but they are all aiming towards achieving the same goal, which is patient satisfaction and safety. Their differences are in their areas of
The benefits of having a defined frame of theory in nursing produces superior patient care, heightened professional repute for nurses, progressed interaction among nurses, and direction for exploration of the practice and education. Theories also illustrate the quality of the nursing profession, and serves as a reservoir of knowledge with the examination of the essential requirements of patients and necessary interventions. In addition, specialized rationales are provided. Succeeding medical doctors orders are not exclusively to the context of nursing care.
Nursing theory is the backbone of nursing. It is very important in the application of evidence-based practice (EBP). The functions of a theory are to narrow and provide specific information for the analysis of initially confusing behaviors, situations, and events (Fawcett & Madeya 2013). Moreover, nursing theory helps to improve not only the quality of care that we are providing to our patients but, they also help us make better clinical decisions. As a matter of fact, nursing theory gives the nurse a framework for organizing and analyzing information as well as a base for identifying with their patients throughout the nurse-patient relationship (Schick, 2015). I am very much interested in all the theories. The one that I relate to the most is Hildegard Peplau’s theory. It is a middle range theory that focuses on interpersonal relations. This theory teaches us about how to interact with our patients so that they feel more in control of their treatment. In this paper, I will be talking about the importance of nursing, the summary of Peplau's theory, and how as future nurse practitioners, we can apply it.
Theory has so far remained a strategic tool in advanced nursing practice. Firstly, nursing utilizes every feature of management science. Fortunately, the knowledge base of each and every management science takes theory into account. Theory includes methods, principles, and concepts. The principles are usually related, and can be observed and validated or verified when translated into the practice of management. Likewise, concepts are general notions, thoughts, and ideas that tend to form a basis of discussion or action. Therefore, theoretical principles guide clinical nurses to various
A theory encompasses a cluster of concepts which descried a set or pattern of reality (Taylor, Lillis, Lynn, 2011, p. 27). A set of concepts that follow a logical pattern makes up a model (Taylor, et al., 2011, p. 27). The model makes up a set of steps which follow a blue print that tells an individual what the next step should be (Taylor, et al., 2011, p. 27). Nursing theories are ones that are specific to the nursing career field and allows nursing to be established as its own professional entity similar to the medical doctor profession (Taylor, et al., 2011, p. 27). Nursing theories are used in research to determine the best means of improving care of patients in the health care system (Taylor, et al., 2011, p.27). These theories describe,
The credibility of a profession is based upon its ability to create and apply theory. Nursing as a whole has not been at the forefront of theoretical research being much more practical or hands-on in nature. Unless nurses increase the value placed on research and the body of knowledge that establishes the legitimacy of their practice then nursing will remain in a subordinate position in the medical environment. Theorists anticipated that by conceptualizing models of nursing, practitioners would be able to become more autonomous in their clinical settings while increasing the visibility and authority of nursing as a discipline. It
Nursing theories help direct nursing practice. When using theory-based nursing practice, apply the principles of the theory in delivering nursing interventions in your practice. Theory-based nursing practice improves nurse satisfaction and patient outcomes. The basic values, guiding principles and elements from the foundation of a particular nursing theory give meaning to the practice and influence how patient care is provided. When applying the nurse-patient relationship in practice, the nurse should reveal personal information only with a therapeutic intent, such as to developing trust and establishing a relationship with a client.
The profession of nursing has, in recent years, been trying to further develop, test and use proposed nursing theory. To utilize theory appropriately, in all domains of practice, education and research, it is important to know how to describe, analyze and evaluate
Nursing is a unique profession which is built upon theories that guide everyday nursing practice. According to Taylor, Lillis, & Lynn (2015), “Nursing theory differentiates nursing from other disciplines and activities in that it serves the purposes of describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling desired outcomes of nursing care practices” (p. 27). Many nurses may unknowingly apply a theory or a combination thereof, along with critical thinking to get the best outcome for a patient. Theories are used in practice today because they have been supported by research and help the profession uphold its boundaries. Most nursing theories consist of four concepts which are the patient, the environment, health, and nursing. Each patient is at the center of focus and they have the right to determine what care will be given to them using informed
As a provider of care, professional nurses depend on research, theories, and evidence based practice to guide the care they provide to patients. Nurses deliver care to their patients based on information they have learned through many years of school and training. Training for nurses and other providers of care is founded on theories, research, and evidence based practice in the healthcare field. Theories, research, and evidence based practice are all important for providing care to patients and each can be used in a different manner depending on the situation. Clinicians often use research based evidence to design and implement care that is high-quality and cost effective for patients. Evidence based practice can be used to provide care to patients in a steadily changing clinical environment. (PDF page 8-9). Nursing theories are frequently used as frameworks for establishing nursing care interventions and assessing
The purpose of the nursing theories is to provide an interrelating framework focusing on the nursing practice. The defined nursing theories promote better patient care, improve the status of nursing profession, and improve the communication between the nurses, and provide guidance to the researches and education (Keefe, 2011). Not all nursing theories have the same meanings; however, they play the important role of explaining the key concepts and principles of nursing practice in understanding way.
A conceptual framework is a set of relatively abstract and general concepts that address the phenomena of central interest to a discipline, the propositions that broadly describe these concepts, and the propositions that state relatively abstract and general relations between two or more of the concepts (Fawcett, 2012). A conceptual framework is one component of the structure that helps combine, shape, and strengthen the skills and knowledge acquired by Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) for use in the clinical practice arena. APN’s are registered nurses (RN’s) who have completed an advanced graduate-level education program. APN’s acquire advanced clinical knowledge and skills to prepare them for the delivery of safe, competent, high quality care.
It is also used in diverse practice in global setting. It is used to guide practices to meet patient and family needs of patients in critical acute and chronic healthcare problems. It is a holistic approach that allows the nurse to conduct nursing practice base on nursing theory where by allowing individuals and families to meet their health needs that demonstrate optimum clinical nursing practice. It is a holistic approach in the care of the patient and through directing nursing education and clinical practice the Betty Neuman System Model is used. However, the effective conceptual transition among all levels of nursing education and is the basis for continuing education after graduation facilitating professional growth. It validates nursing roles and activities and in the nursing practice. It is a widely used framework used in nursing research that guides enhancement of nursing
There are many different nursing theories that are significant to nursing practice, because they help nurses to examine what is already known, and what additional knowledge and skills are required in variety of nursing situations. They provide basis for nursing practice, as well as some additional tools, that help with delivery of better care to patients and caregivers. Finally, nursing theories improve professional status for nurses and provide guidance and direction for research and education (Colley, 2003).
Nursing theories, concepts or models are adapted from the theoretical frameworks of other discipline in healthcare. However, as nursing advances, new frameworks may arise, the nursing theories, concepts or models from the past or present may fuse, extinct or change donaldson (year). Hence, nursing is a discipline which is consistently reviewing and upgrading its theoretical frame works to provide the best quality of care to patients. (