
Theories Of Play And Learning Pedagogy

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The essay will focus on play and learning pedagogy and how it fits into the broader sociocultural context. Pedagogy is a method and practice of teaching for children and there are many different pedagogies that is based around play. Play within earl years is important as it can shape a child's development that’s why the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) is based around play. Play 'can be conceptualised as activities that are chosen by the child' Stagnitti and Cooper (2009).
Play is one of the main ways that child learns and become social beings, it helps to build self-worth by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities. The theory of play has changed over time but link back to some pioneers such as Piaget. Piaget (1951) identified three types of play that reflected children's thinking ability; practice play, symbolic play and games with rules. These types of play were important at stages of development and were dependent on cognitive ability. Piaget's work has shaped how practitioners can support children's learning this has influenced policy like the EYFS. With the EYFS …show more content…

This type of play can support a child's development as it can improve their motor skills but also develop their brain so that they can become social beings. When a child encounters a sensory stimulus, a brain cell connects to another brain cell establishing new connections in the brain. There are many different types of play such as: experimental play, cause and effect play, creative play and symbolic play. All these types of play are important for a child's development as it can allow a child to build up social connections that helps them to become social beings. The types of play involve exploration of the world around the child which play should be about as a child can learn a lot of the world around them through playing and exploring

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