The essay will focus on play and learning pedagogy and how it fits into the broader sociocultural context. Pedagogy is a method and practice of teaching for children and there are many different pedagogies that is based around play. Play within earl years is important as it can shape a child's development that’s why the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) is based around play. Play 'can be conceptualised as activities that are chosen by the child' Stagnitti and Cooper (2009).
Play is one of the main ways that child learns and become social beings, it helps to build self-worth by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities. The theory of play has changed over time but link back to some pioneers such as Piaget. Piaget (1951) identified three types of play that reflected children's thinking ability; practice play, symbolic play and games with rules. These types of play were important at stages of development and were dependent on cognitive ability. Piaget's work has shaped how practitioners can support children's learning this has influenced policy like the EYFS. With the EYFS
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This type of play can support a child's development as it can improve their motor skills but also develop their brain so that they can become social beings. When a child encounters a sensory stimulus, a brain cell connects to another brain cell establishing new connections in the brain. There are many different types of play such as: experimental play, cause and effect play, creative play and symbolic play. All these types of play are important for a child's development as it can allow a child to build up social connections that helps them to become social beings. The types of play involve exploration of the world around the child which play should be about as a child can learn a lot of the world around them through playing and exploring
Play is essential to every part of children’s lives and is important to their development. It provides the children with different ways of doing things children will want to explore and learn new things.
In this assignment I plan to explain how play helps to improve the development of children and young people. Play is extremely important for the development of children. It is important that from a young age children play with things like toys and even with other children. Between the ages of 0 – 3 is when children develop the most. Through play children can improve their fine and gross motor skills by using toys such as shape sorters and using musical tables which have buttons and things to turn. This helps to develop fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are developed through crawling and learning to walk. If children have toys that are spread out whilst
The relationship between play and learning seems obvious to many child professionals and parents, and yet there are still lack of understanding surrounding the importance of children's play. Some people believe that children need to "work" not play, and that playing serves no useful purpose in a learning and development environment. This is surprising considering that play, with its high levels of motivation and potential enjoyment empowers children (as well as people
Play is the way children learn and is a word that is used to describe the different activities behaviours that children participate in, this would concur with “Vygotsky’s (1978) social constructivist theory that suggests that play promotes both mental and social development for children” (cited in Goulding, 2016, p16). Early childhood educators such as Froebel and Vygotsky have always promoted the importance of the outdoor learning environment. According to Vygotsky (1978), children learn through interacting with the environment and through social interaction with others. Social constructivist theory, believes play is important for the growth of a child’s cognitive emotional and social development and
There are numerous theories of play and countless theorists, from Freud and Spencer to Piaget and Vygotsky, who have studied play in relation to what it is and what it does for the child. This essay will outline the definition and value of play and the importance of how it can foster the child’s learning in regards to these theorists who studied the effects in great detail. It will discuss the how the environments constructed by educators can impact play and the theories of learning relating to the quote “play and learning are inextricably woven together ...” Ebbeck and Waniganayake, 2010, p. 5).
Play is such a vital process through which children learn and develop.Play gives children the opportunity to learn, develop and experiment outside the constraints of real life. Through play children gain skills, knowledge and experiences and they get prepared to stand up as a human being and a member of society. But only by playing children do not reach up to that level. At some point of time the adult intervention is required to get the right direction of play.
My course has taught me about different types of play and different theorists such a Piaget cognitive theory which he talks about schemas and the four developmental stages. Another theory is Vygosky cognitive development theory which showed language is essential in a child's
Play offers opportunity for children to explore and engage their interest. Through a variety of cultural experience, children develop a foundation for culture. This supports children’s sense of belonging and builds children’s self-identities.
The next type of the play that is mentioned in the article is Social Play. Through social play children learn cooperation with others and sharing with others. This also helps student with learning the rules and in getting along with others. Rules are part of a kindergarten curriculum and social play is on their level of understanding during the different social stages. In addition there is also Constructive Play. This play is where children can build with blocks, play in the sand, woodworking bench, and draw murals. By having Constructive Play in your classroom this allows children to experiment with objects and gives the children a sense of accomplishment helps them with control of their own environment. I feel learning with play benefits
The thought of school and play don’t generally belong in the same category. Although people don’t find play important in a classroom, play is very important especially in the early childhood setting. In early education classrooms students begin exploring, experimenting and mastering the beginnings of numeracy, literacy and even science. While children are talking and playing with one and another they are learning those concepts. Oral language and written are spread throughout classrooms. When talking is not an occurrence in the classroom students are listening to directions, identifying their cubbies, cleaning up and responding to questions which is all considered play.
Similarly, Keating et al (2000) reported the dilemma facing teachers who are required to provide continual recorded evidence of learning and achievement to both parents and professionals. So, should teaching professionals encourage quality learning through active play, which is often difficult to formally assess compared to the readily assessable written tasks, or should we choose more formal work which may sacrifice the quality of the child's learning experience? The current focus on the expectations of achievement that I have observed, and have suffered scrutiny of, has highlighted a perception of play being somehow inferior and supplementary to learning rather than as an important medium of learning in its own right. Keating (2000) believed that through observing child initiated play, especially in its recreational form, play may not directly relate to better cognition as measured in SATs tests, but conversely, can foster other important abilities, such as persistence, self-esteem, task-orientation, creativity and positive attitudes to learning. Then, if play highlights so many important learning aptitudes within the classroom, what does or should good practice entail?
Play is usually a natural activity in early childhood and has significant importance in early childhood special education. Play assists in enhancing the children social competence, creativity, language development, and their thinking skills. Play is usually the key vehicle for the developing of language, social skulls in young children (Rogers ET all. 2009). Moreover, it serves as a functional behavior which contributes to the life quality of the children. .
In this essay, I am going to talk about the relevance of play to children’s development in early childhood education, which has a great influence in children’s developmental stages. Play is the progress that children could relax and have fun. Children need to be provided chances and encouraged to play, because from play, they could develop their physical wellbeing (physical health and mental health). This term, I will mention to how dose play influence children’s physical health, but I will be more concentrated on how does play influence children’s mental health and their cognitive thinking.
Play can also improve cognitive development because children can play in a relaxed environment and manner. This allows creativity, exploration, and independence comes into effect. When new things are being discovered, this is an open end learning opportunity. Lastly, play can help with children’s
Play Education is the most important activity in the lives of children. Play is the foundation of learning for young children. For children play, is how they begin to understand and process their world? The best part for children is that play is fun and this keeps them always wanting more because they enjoy participating in it. Play education is for children up until age 12. And different ages are broken down into groups. Giving the child time and some few basic toys can provide them with a variety of valuable learning opportunities. It is important to let children explore and learn how to play, if the child can’t seem to figure it out then a person can guide them. Play Education is simple and very effective; this is an individual