
Theory Of Change

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Chapter 15 is a very interesting chapter, I really enjoyed reading this chapter, it discussed the theory of change, reframing, paradoxical interventions, problem information/ resolution, stochastic process, perturbed versus change agent, meaningful noise, language and worldview, stability and change and information and perturbation. A theory of change is connected with two perspectives how the worldview analyzes things. The first-order cybernetic perspective is one, which means the therapist intervenes from a position outside the system and the second-order cybernetics perspective the therapist perturbs from a position withing the system. I started to evaluate my life and started to think what I needed to change, and what problems I needed to work on. …show more content…

When I feel as though I want to make a change for myself, I take baby steps to get there, I take my time and also I make big leaps of changes when I want to challenge myself, to see if I am up for the challenge or strong enough for it. The book stated that second -order change has been compared to the leap of imagination experienced in the moment of creativity (cited). First-order consists of what we think of as the logical solutions to problems (cited). Both first-order and second-order relates to me, for examples with the first order I would have a problem with being lazy, I will ask someone to do something for me but in return, I'm too lazy to do for others if that make sense. The Key to understanding the problem formation and resolution, therefore, are awareness, of the reciprocal nature of behavior, the importance of the context that defines behavior and in which particular behaviors have meaning and thus (once again) the significance of process (cited). I feel as though the only way for me to understand certain context is by examples, and

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