
Therapeutic Disorders: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Case 9F In this case study we are introduced to a discovery from the 1980s. In the 1950s and 1960s patients from a state-operated mental health facility from Illinois underwent “therapeutic surgery.” Therapeutic surgery is a treatment used to treat existing diseases. These surgical procedures were done without the consent of the patients undergoing these procedures. The purpose of this surgery was to improve the symptoms of schizophrenic patients. This surgical procedure consisted of the removal of the adrenal glands. The background behind this surgical procedure was that by removing the adrenal glands this could help correct a hormone imbalance that could help cure schizophrenia. The problem in this case study is that these surgeries were …show more content…

This research project main focus was to find a way to reduce the disappearance of specific brain tissue that most people with Parkinson’s disease had been suffering from. The people performing these research studies thought that the central nervous system could reduce the disappearances of the brain tissue if they regrowth the specific brain tissue. One of the methods that they would use was to place fetal tissue to desired locations within the brain. They would do this by drilling wholes in the skull and placing the tissue inside specific areas of the brain. The problem in this case study is to determine whether it was ethical for this study to use a control group that would not receive the treatment of the fetal tissue, but they will still have holes drill in their skull. When it comes to clinical trial there must always be a control group to show the progression of the study. However, the fact that these people with severe Parkinson disease were not going to have the opportunity to have the fetal tissue inject, but will still have holes drill in their skulls is unethical. By drilling holes in the control group skull their human rights would be violated and many of the laws that now protect individuals right when undergoing a research study would be broken. According to the RIB, “ ….we have posited in conjunction with the goal of human flourishing, namely, never to allow scientific inquiry to trump the interest and inherent value of the irreplaceable human being enrolled in such research.” Throughout history we have seen many human right violated when it comes to using human for experimental research. For example, the cruel way that the Nazi concentration camps used Jews as part of unethical experiments, or other research projects that use humans as an experimental tool without thinking about that persons feelings. This why law as like the Nuremberg Code, Belmont

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