
Therapeutic Mentoring Report

Decent Essays

In 2014, the Lincoln County Resource Board completed an Assessment of Needs (completed by Dr. Cynthia Berry) based on 2007-2013 data. The “Demographics of Lincoln County” section of the report captured statistics on the population and general demographic information, poverty, insurance, unemployment, income, children receiving cash assistance and food stamps, and data on the special needs population. A review of this information reveals the need to continue the Therapeutic Mentoring program to enhance protective factors and facilitate family stability. According to the report, the population of Lincoln County grew 35% from 2000 to 2010. However, the population tapered off to a 1.2% growth from 2008 to 2012. The U.S Census Bureau shows that …show more content…

This has resulted in a 7% increase in the number of households who received cash assistance and food stamps from 2007 to 2012. The article The Effects of Low-Income Communities on Families, by Esther Lenice Vargas states, “Socioeconomic status can affect communities and families in many ways. It can affect the quality and environment of families, how families cope, the climate and resources available in communities (such as schools, recreational activities and the level of health care available), how community members use their neighborhoods, community involvement and safety.” Children in families with inadequate income are often deprived of healthy foods, live in overcrowded quarters, have inadequate places to play, go without preventative health care, and have little chance for more than a high school …show more content…

Jekielek, M.A., titled, Mentoring: A Promising Strategy for Youth Development which reviewed research on ten local and nationwide mentoring programs. It concludes that mentoring is one of the most promising programs for children at risk, especially when paired with other supportive services. The report confirms that mentored youth have fewer absences in school, better attitudes toward school, fewer incidents of hitting others, less alcohol and drug use, more positive attitudes toward their elders and helping others in general, and improved relationships with their parents. Establishing a positive relationship with a caring adult can serve as a protective factor for at-risk youth and can significantly offset the effects of existing risk factors. Through their collaborative relationships with other service providers and strong knowledge base of community resources, PCHAS mentors are able to link youth and their families to other supports, as

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