"Therapeutic Recreation Specialists are special people that not only touch the lives of the individuals we work with but they improve their quality of life by successfully allowing them to overcome barriers, achieve leisure optimally with limited about of assistance," stated Pamela Higginbotham, Brock University Recreation Student. Therapeutic Recreation Specialists have special personalities, by just being with their patients, they are helping them become stronger people. They are immensely impacting the lives of many people with disabilities everyday by just having a fantastic time! (“What Is Therapeutic Recreation?”) Truly, Therapeutic Recreation Specialists need a compassionate heart, a great amount of patience, and a passion for helping people in need. Although becoming a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist seems to be easy because it …show more content…
Recreation Therapists require an extraordinary amount of patience. Whether the patients are physically injured or mentally and emotionally wounded, the therapists must have patience. It can be a very slow but rewarding road to recovery for anyone they might help. Recreation Therapists work with situations that can be extremely serious and some that are not as serious. But, no matter the condition of the patient, they have to be compassionate. Compassion is one of the most important qualities to have as this type of therapist because they deal with some broken and hurt people, physically and emotionally. Without compassion they would never impact the lives of people with disabilities the amazing way that they do. Recreation Specialists improve the well-being of individuals who have illnesses or disabilities through treatment and activities. This includes playing games, dancing, and much more! (“Recreational Therapists: Occupational Outlook Handbook:: U.S. Bureau of Labor
Ever since I was a kid, it has been my life goal to help as many people I can. I have moved around in many different areas of the medical field, but no career had caught my eye as much as physical therapy. As an athlete, I have been in and out of the physical therapist’s office for a majority of my life. Each time I have went I could not help but be beyond grateful for what these people have done for me; they have given me the ability to play the sport I love despite all the hiccups. Physical therapy is a dynamic field within the field of medicine because as a physical therapist one can make a difference in the lives of his or her patients, enjoy job security, and enjoy a rewarding and personally satisfying career.
As I make my way on this journey that is my life, I realize that I have always believed in the fundamental worth of all humanity and my responsibility as a fellow human being to respect this premise and also to support individuals, as much as I am able, to help unearth it should this basic truth become hidden to them. This is a guiding principle for me and I believe that many of the constructs of the field of Therapeutic Recreation (TR) are congruent with this philosophy. Making the decision to obtain a Therapeutic Recreation Specialization (TRS) degree offered a theoretical rationale in which to further explore the concept of leisure, define my professional philosophy and an opportunity to reflect critically on the field which I have
In my professional career, I see myself becoming an Occupational Therapist, my goal will be to help patients develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily living and working. In addition, Occupational Therapist promote health, prevent, and treat injuries. An athlete who is injured is likely to
Their goal is to help people restore lost functions in the rehabilitative therapeutic exercise. An example of person who would fall under the guidance of a rehabilitative therapeutic professional would be someone who suffered a brain injury from an accident. Habilitative therapeutic exercise focuses on acquiring specific skills and functions that are considered normal or expected for a person to have. An example of person who would have habilitative therapeutic exercise is a young man who is very overweight and is unable to function throughout his daily routine without having fatigue. Individuals who are looking for treatment, seek out a physical therapist in hopes that they will improve their life in the long-term. In the article they state, some responsibilities of a physical therapists are to “examine patients' medical histories, then test and measure their strength, range of motion, balance and coordination, posture, muscle performance, respiration, and motor function”. Physical therapist evaluate and develop a systematic program that will restore, maintain and promote overall health, wellness and fitness of the
What applied clinical problem would you most like to focus on in your PsyD studies and in the PsyD Clinical Psychology dissertation/doctoral project? Tell us something about your knowledge of the relevant theory and concepts, research, and the application of that scholarship to clinical practice.
A sports medicine expert is a physical therapist. Many people do not recognize it as that but it is. Both fields try assist their patients in their healing process on many levels beyond just the physical. Although the training teaches them to focus on the physical body as the cause of pain and disease, experts have found that many of our physical problems stem from and are modulated by emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual issues. Not all people heal on the same schedule or in the same way. This is why therapists provide a healing model with a loving environment. They don't deal in disease only deal in healing, which is an active process. The patients are taught to create the concept and feeling of health. they often have to remove a person's diagnosis that he or she has been branded with by other doctors. Pain does not mean that a person is broken. X-rays and MRI scans frequently do not tell the truth. So you sometimes have to run a number of different tests to find out exactly what the problem is with the patient, you would be surprised on how many patients have serious mental problems and think that they are hurt in some way shape or form but most often it is just a mental problem they have.
The medical field is expanding ever so rapidly in today’s society. In the field of Physical Therapy one needs to have the understanding of how the human body works and the injuries one body could sustain. I have chosen a career to help others to battle back from life-changing injuries or surgeries. I will take the first step of joining the medical field by obtaining a physical therapist associates degree. I will become a Physical Therapist Assistant.
An occupational therapist is a trained and licensed health care professional who can make a complete evaluation of the impact of disease on the activities of the patient at home and in work situations. Hobbies and recreational activities are considered when an assessment is made. The most generally accepted definition of occupational therapy is that it is an activity, physical or mental, that aids in a patient’s recovery from disease or injury.
I am incredibly lucky to have been fortunate enough to say that I worked hands on with a Physical Therapist over this past summer. It was an experience I will never forget and one that I will treasure forever.
Most contemporary psychological treatment approaches are predecessors of the ancient and medieval philosophies and theories. Cognitive behavioural therapy as one of the modern treatment method in not an independently formed treatment, different theories have contributed to its present shape and application.
Rehabilitation technology services are utilized to assist clients who need technology to eliminate barriers to employment. The technology is all items that maintain, improve, or enhance the functional capabilities of clients with disability. These services can include mobility aide devices, vehicle modifications, prosthetics, hearing aids, and equipment for the visually impaired. These services are based on the needs of the client and vary. According to research, rehabilitation technology is a significant service for individuals who cope with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and cancer survivors (Chiu, Chan, Bishop, Cardoso, & O’Neil, 2013; Huang, et al., 2013; Strauser et al, 2010). These individuals and other clients utilize the technology to provide the necessary accommodations that they may
Life can change in a split second when an unanticipated injury or disease hinders someone’s normal daily life. Modern medicine, physicians and families can only do so much but physical therapy can help recoup the life many of us take for granted. It often isn’t until we lose something that we as humans realize what we had such as the value of our body’s ability to take us through each day. A physical therapist is the person who stays with a patient for the duration of the rehabilitation process. A physical therapist leads the patient through the process of regaining physical strength and helps the patient regain control of their future. Much like many careers that involve interaction with individuals, physical therapy reaches beyond
Physical therapists are members of a health care team, specially trained to improve movement and flinction, relieve pain, and expand movement potential. Through evaluation and individualized treatment programs, physical therapists can both treat existing problems and provide preventive health care for people with a variety of needs (Physical Therapy-Improving 1). Physical therapists are very knowledgeable and skillful concerning the human body. Physical therapy is a complex, but rewarding field to pursue as a career. Specialization, working conditions, job outlook, salaries, and education requirements need to be taken into consideration when contemplating a career as a physical therapist.
The human experience is not a vague suggestion of what everyone strives for. This is a very individualized set of preferences and priorities that each person desires in life. We are all unique beings and as a physical therapist, there is a duty to create a specific strategy of care that is centered on the needs of the consumer. Movement is the basis of everything we do. Optimizing movement by improving mobility and motion, managing pain, and regaining original capabilities will guide society to a healthier and more active lifestyle.
On September 8th, 2015, I first began interning for Dr. Dawn Cox and her staff of experienced Physical Therapists at PRANA Functional Manual Therapy in Lancaster, PA as a Physical Therapy Aide. Intermittently, on the first day of my internship, I would ask the therapists “Why choose Physical Therapy as a profession?” One of the Physical Therapists conveyed that aside from the substantial benefits a job provides, it was the intangible materials that gave the profession a meaning. As a student exploring the field of Physical Therapy, I have infallibly witnessed professionalism at PRANA and other Physical Therapy facilities through the therapists’ altruism towards patients -without violating ethical practices as professionals; their apposite use of communication with each individual at the workplace; and their sense of accountability when things go unforeseen.