
Therapeutic Recreation Therapist Essay

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"Therapeutic Recreation Specialists are special people that not only touch the lives of the individuals we work with but they improve their quality of life by successfully allowing them to overcome barriers, achieve leisure optimally with limited about of assistance," stated Pamela Higginbotham, Brock University Recreation Student. Therapeutic Recreation Specialists have special personalities, by just being with their patients, they are helping them become stronger people. They are immensely impacting the lives of many people with disabilities everyday by just having a fantastic time! (“What Is Therapeutic Recreation?”) Truly, Therapeutic Recreation Specialists need a compassionate heart, a great amount of patience, and a passion for helping people in need. Although becoming a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist seems to be easy because it …show more content…

Recreation Therapists require an extraordinary amount of patience. Whether the patients are physically injured or mentally and emotionally wounded, the therapists must have patience. It can be a very slow but rewarding road to recovery for anyone they might help. Recreation Therapists work with situations that can be extremely serious and some that are not as serious. But, no matter the condition of the patient, they have to be compassionate. Compassion is one of the most important qualities to have as this type of therapist because they deal with some broken and hurt people, physically and emotionally. Without compassion they would never impact the lives of people with disabilities the amazing way that they do. Recreation Specialists improve the well-being of individuals who have illnesses or disabilities through treatment and activities. This includes playing games, dancing, and much more! (“Recreational Therapists: Occupational Outlook Handbook:: U.S. Bureau of Labor

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