
There's Never Been Equality For Me

Decent Essays

1) The keywords of the dream used in this poem are Let America/it/my … The writer uses these keywords to show that the America he experiences is a lot worse and different that the one that it used to be and he wants it to go back to the way it was before. “There’s never been equality for me nor freedom in this “homeland of the free””. This quote is taken from the brackets in the first 16 lines of the poem. This shows us that he is most likely of colour due to the fact that he says “There’s never been equality for me” and America is not known for having treated people of colour as equally as white people. Also that he does not really like America probably due to the shitty experiences he and all other ‘people of colour’ had faced during the time of his life. 2) he says “It never was America to me”, probably because you always hear people talk about how America is the country of freedom and greatness yet might not have experienced that a lot compared to the working class Caucasian Americans that all claim that America is the Country of freedom and is such a great place to be. So I think that is why he wrote that America was never truly America to him. 3) …show more content…

I think that he feels hope because keeps talking about letting America be like what it used to be and what people make it out to be. He believes that there is still a possibility that America can be restored to its former glory if only the people and presidents would let it be like it was again. I think that he feels this desire to help his America become a better place because on the 11th line he wrote “O, let my land” which shows that even though he does not completely like the shitty ways the shitty ways he was treated by America he still considers it his

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