
Theseus Character Analysis

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Characterize the figure of Theseus.
Introduced as “a conqueror…greater” than any other “beneath the sun,” Thesëus, the wise and chivalrous lord Athens, is a merciful and noble duke (Chaucer 24). As a wise and noble leader, Thesëus, with a “heart of pity,” mends the ailments of his people, “ as he [is] a true knight.” (26).
How does Theseus treat the mourning women who ask for help against the tyrant Creon? Thesëus mercifully agrees to to get vengeance on the tyrant Creon, who “[set] his dogs to eat” the women’s husbands instead of burying them. Theseus’ mercy did not reach so far, as he went to Thebes to fight and slay Creon “manfully, like knight, / [i]n open war” (26-27).
How are the knights, Palamon and Arcita, introduced into the …show more content…

Arcita, now released, feels as though he “[is] in the worse prison, now, and more forlorn” than before because of the absence of the sight of Emily, who now can only be seen by Palamon, in prison no longer, but in paradise.
7. What is the situation of each knight at the close of Part One? What formal question is asked at the end of the first part of the Knight’s Tale? At the end of part one, Arcita leaves for Thebes, exiled forever from Athens and distraught over never seeing his love again, while Palamon still lies in prison, desolate without the company of his cousin, but still able to regale at the sight of Emily. The question “Who has the worse, Arcita or Palamon?” allows the mind to wonder which fate is worse? Never seeing your beloved, but living as a freeman, or imprisoned till death, but able to see the face or your love.
8. Provide evidence for any two characteristics of a romance evident so far. Refer to the prezi. A romance requires the telling of a true story in remote places and times. The Knight’s Tale begins with the lines “Once upon a time,” to retell the old events of Theseus in the ancient city of Athens (24). The Knight’s tale meets the requirement of a medieval romance in the first sentence, as it opens with a tale of a far off land in ancient times. Idealized aristocratic conduct, another requirement a medieval romance must meet, becomes present

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