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A Thesis
Kyara Gamble

Masters, Delta State University 2016

A Thesis Submitted to Dr. Putnam
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
ELR 605: Methods in Educational Research & Statistics

Delta State University, December 2016

I will like to dedicate this research article to the third grade class of Weddington Elementary, My Family, and Dr. Martha Ravola, Tambria Goldsberry, Brandon Moore, Sherri Fox, and the Lily of the Valley Church of God in Christ.


First I would like to give honor to God, without prayer and strength I wouldn’t be who I am today. I would like to thank my mom and family for their support and encouragements. I also want to thank Dr. Ravola, Mrs. Caroline, and …show more content…

The bond between a parent and child is very important. Prosocial behavior is defined as actions that benefit other people or society as whole. Most parents usually spend 5-8 hours a day with their child. Children should be shown the proper love and attention they need on a daily basis. Statistics in today’s society show that a large percentage of children in today’s society don’t get the proper attention that they need. This research was conducted on a 3rd grade classroom, to find out if the child’s behavior is affected by the amount of attention they receive at home. The results of the study revealed that a large percentage of children don’t receive enough attention, and that affects the child’s

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