
Thesis Statement For Meningitis Diseas

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The discovery of Meningitis Diseas is one of the greatest acheivements of a scientist . Meningitis Diseas is either infectious (contangious) or noninfectious. Infectious Meningitis is classified as viral,bacterial,fungal and parasitic causing infections.

C. Thesis Statement:

Meningitis Diseas is a very rare infection of the brain

D. Credibility Statement:

1. I was a survivor of Meningitis Diseas. 2. I've been diagnosed for almost half a year when I was six
E. Preview of Main Points:

I. First i will discuss a the meaning of Meningitis Diseas.
II. Second is what are the types of Meningitis Diseas.
III. Third and last is their causes and symptoms.

II. Meningitisn Diseas is a relatively rare infection …show more content…

It is an acute inflamation of the protictive membrane in the brain and spinal cored, known collectively as the Meninges.
B. The inflammation can be cause by infection within the viruses, bacterias or orther micro organism or even drugs.
C. It can be life-threatining because the inflammation is in the brain and spinal cord.

III. Types of Meningitis Diseas

A. Viral Meningitis or aseptic meningitis are the most common type of meningitis. It is rarely fatal and usually resolve treatement.
B. Batecrial Meningitis is a severe and consederes a potential Medical Emergency. It is untreated, it is fatal and can cause serious longterm complications bacause it can progress rapidly.
C. Fungal Meningitis developes in patrients with condition in their immune sysytem.
D. Parasitic Meningitis it is common in undeveloping country it is cause by parasites.

IV. Causes and symptoms of Meningites Diseas

A. Viral Meningitis
• Causes non-polio enterovirusis, measles viruses, mumps viruses, Epstein Barr viruses, Influenza viruses, arboviruses(through mosquitos and o her insects) and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.
• Its symptoms are fever , irritability,poor eating, sleepiness or trouble waking up from sleep and lethergy (lack of

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