
Thesis Statement For The Matrix

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Table of content page
Introduction 3
Sequence analysis 3-4
Film form and style 4-5

Topic: Thesis statement: Sequence analysis, film form and style as depicted in the film, The Matrix.
The matrix is an action and untruth movie. The matrix was released in 1999. There are two worlds that exist in this …show more content…

The camera moved in a slow pace while in circulation motion. This is a general term for all the manipulations of the film strip by the camera in the movie. This happened when Neo dodged the bullets by bending backwards before smith shoot him in the side of the leg. The blue colour represent “the real world” of Zion and also symbolise the body. The yellow colour appear in the matrix world and represent the spirit and even Heaven. The green colour that appear which is the colour of the matrix and it also indicate the mind. In this new axis-switched medium close-up, we see more of Neo's face and less of Trinity's face. We see that in terms of profile and as well as the darkness. Neo was now more on-axis with the camera and is lit brighter. The display features of special frame that allows the skirt of the coat to flare a little just as it does on screen. In these film, they used mise-en-scene dominantly to build mystery within the pill scene. Regular cinematography, editing, and dramatic sound effects were also used, to captivate the audience and build tension. Morpheus is gave Neo an opportunity to view reality from another perspective, and forget the world he once knew. The act began with a close-up, an important shot used to create confusion as the viewers is unaware of the setting. The act itself contains leading of close-ups and reverse

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