
They Poured Fire On Us From The Sky

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All aspects of culture is largely impacted by conflict across the world. War brings a lack of supplies such as clothing and food, causing people to have to adjust their life-styles. People have to scrap for the necessities of life and lose touch with their culture and who they are. War often causes a lot of tension and arguments in a community, tearing families and friends apart, “... married men also joined up as they felt it was their duty…” (BBC Schools- Families). People are often misplaced, having to adapt to new languages, culture, and ways of life. Culture can give bring people together as much as it tears people apart. With constantly changing cultures, people can learn and grow from others’ lifestyles, “… they are always changing…” ( Beyond Intractability). Culture can alleviate conflict by bringing people together and can help people of other cultures understand each other better and differences can be celebrated instead of conflicting.
In the book They Poured Fire on us From the Sky, three men tell the …show more content…

Culture can also give people hope in a time of conflict, the hope that one day things will return to normal and they can go back to their lives. It can also give hope of a better life. In the book I am Malala, Malala Yousafzai tells the story of getting shot in the head by the Taliban and almost dying. She has left her home country in fear, but she holds onto hope of one day returning to her home of Swat Valley, “One year ago I left my home for school and never returned.” (I Am Malala). In They Poured Fire on us From the Sky, the three boys had to learn how to flush a toilet to go to America. The change from never having running water to using a toilet gave them hope of a better life in

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