All aspects of culture is largely impacted by conflict across the world. War brings a lack of supplies such as clothing and food, causing people to have to adjust their life-styles. People have to scrap for the necessities of life and lose touch with their culture and who they are. War often causes a lot of tension and arguments in a community, tearing families and friends apart, “... married men also joined up as they felt it was their duty…” (BBC Schools- Families). People are often misplaced, having to adapt to new languages, culture, and ways of life. Culture can give bring people together as much as it tears people apart. With constantly changing cultures, people can learn and grow from others’ lifestyles, “… they are always changing…” ( Beyond Intractability). Culture can alleviate conflict by bringing people together and can help people of other cultures understand each other better and differences can be celebrated instead of conflicting.
In the book They Poured Fire on us From the Sky, three men tell the
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Culture can also give people hope in a time of conflict, the hope that one day things will return to normal and they can go back to their lives. It can also give hope of a better life. In the book I am Malala, Malala Yousafzai tells the story of getting shot in the head by the Taliban and almost dying. She has left her home country in fear, but she holds onto hope of one day returning to her home of Swat Valley, “One year ago I left my home for school and never returned.” (I Am Malala). In They Poured Fire on us From the Sky, the three boys had to learn how to flush a toilet to go to America. The change from never having running water to using a toilet gave them hope of a better life in
The chapter continued to discuss how people experience other cultures when they are removed from their area to a different place. This occurs in the form of culture shock people experience new traditions that are unfamiliar to them when the come to a place that is home to another culture. Human development may also include joining the ideas of various cultures and forming it into a new concept. It puts heavy emphasis on learning other cultures in an unbiased form in order to compare and make observations. This chapter also studies of culture have been able to advance over time and how change is an essential aspect of
Guns shooting, soldiers running, people dying; war. Bullets penetrating the skin, causing deadly wounds. Men being forced into war, and others choosing to go. Families wondering if their loved ones will ever come home safe. Currently, many people participate and experience the effects of war.
Culture incorporates many different aspects of life such as religion, food, language, ethnicity, and many more. All of these aspects influence the way a person lives and acts. Although culture provides a positive influence by bestowing self worth, it could also negatively affect someone’s life. Culture affects a person in many ways by creating internal and external conflict, which influences the way others view them and therefore affects their actions and how they feel about themselves.
The way war can affect something is the division in families. In My Brother Sam Is Dead, Father kicks out Sam because he would want him to go to school than go to war with a chance of death. “Go, Sam. Go.
War leads to oppression and leaves negative implications on all people and societies by impacting the poor, women, children, and nations as a whole. "War is a state of violent conflict between one or more groups" (Rasenberger 3). Rasenberger defines war as a state of conflict between one group within itself or several groups in combat with each other, what is not mentioned are the after-effects of war. War itself leads to many civilian and military deaths, an estimated 1.5-3.8 million people died during the Vietnam War and an approximate 500,000 people died in the Iraq war. The biggest tragedy of War is that it always results in fatality, but another key, negative, factor to understand is that after the War many adverse implications arise. Post-war ramifications in the nation fall upon the poor, women, and children, making them weaker and less motivated leading to the downfall of a society. Regardless if a nation wins or is defeated in war they have to deal with consequences of war and find solutions to the impacted people and society. It is essential to understand that there is never a true victor in war because regardless of the outcome, fatality and a fall of morale within society on both sides are inevitable. War has often been the solution to situations that required force or violence, but in recent times this has
The effects of war are very vast and it is a wide variety of occurrences to cover. War can break a man down physically or mentally whenever it pleases to do so. “In war there are no unwounded soldiers” Jose Narosky. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front war affects men on the frontlines in many ways, and leaves scars on their lives forever. Also, in the book Night, Jews are affected by war in concentration camps in World War two and they endure a different kind of war. These texts both deal with the effects of war and what it can do to a population. Both of them have Comradeship with the people in both books having to work together to stay alive.
Culture is one of the most relevant elements that can define not only a society but also a country’s cumulative beliefs and system. Often noted as the origins of a country, culture is definitive in the sense that it harbors all the elements that can provide justification on the traditions and norms set by the society for its members. More often than not, the society members follow norms in order to create a harmonious community, and the beliefs and the traditions serve as the poles or grounding rules for each member to follow. Culture is very dynamic in the way that it can change over a variety of foreign influences but what is permanent about it is that original elements about it often lingers with the influences, therefore making it multi-faceted and broad. More importantly, culture serves as an individual and unique trait each society has, and therefore sets it apart from other countries and other societies.
Culture plays a significant role in defining our identity and worldview. For newcomers, culture is the primary frame that shapes their interaction with other newcomers and with established residents in their new community. This interaction can occur anywhere and
As Mahatma Gandhi said, “No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive” (Mahatma). Our culture identifies who we are and how we behave in social environments and provides us with a foundation in which to live our lives and raise our families. Each individual culture has certain customs and courtesies that are important. Exposure to the cultures of others can be intimidating and can leave a person feeling confused and unsure about how they fit in (Schaefer 60). Culture shock can leave a person feeling out of place in an unfamiliar culture (Schaefer 60). Our diverse societies demand understanding and acceptance of other cultures. Learning and understanding these cultures before being
Power of Culture If people set all their differences aside people can always find a way to get along race and culture are not things that separate us they are things that keep us together. People always think that just because two people don’t believe in the same stuff that they could never get along and that’s not true along with race no race is better than one we are all equal. In “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” Jhumpa Lahiri shows the idea that culture can cause problems but if people come together and put all things aside people can all get along and be one.
Culture is a large part of every person’s life, it is what makes each person unique. Within culture there are many aspects such as food, music, clothing, tradition, and many more. Since culture makes up such a large part of our day to day lives, it is almost always responsible shaping and informing our view on the world.
In our society today, culture is not what it used to be hundreds of years ago. There is no more “pure” culture. Our culture today is enriched with many different traditions and customs that are being shared and adopted. Due to emigration and immigration, a variety of diverse customs, beliefs, and knowledge moved with every exiting and entering human being. Thus, changing and shaping the culture of many. Throughout the world, the beliefs and religious views of culture are dissimilar around the world. By taking the time to read, listen and learn about certain people’s culture, there will be knowledge and understanding that will be gained.
Culture is one of the major influences on our lives and social interactions; culture is associated with our characteristics of religion, societal norms of behavior; moreover, culture is always changing and the influence increases. With every religion there are traditions and cultures that are a form of art as it involves many characteristics’ of individuals and their beliefs, values, and perspective, for this reason, there are various dynamics in terms of how culture is involved and the influence of our actions, such as media, peers, family, and socializations. Culture is a factor of social environment and what is modeled to us in our early years of development.
Many of us individuals face conflicts almost everyday in our lives. People of all culture have challenging in their lives that they come across a certain incident and get confused in what decision to be made. These conflicts could be a conflict between oneself and another person, an inner-conflict, a conflict between oneself and nature, one and society, or oneself and God. There are positive and negative intercultural conflicts that occurs every day. An example of a positive conflict could be two different cultures compliment one another on the way they dress or how good their food is in the way they prepare it in their culture, or just communicating and respecting one another with the issue that needs to be addressed openly. A negative conflict is when someone has a lack of communication and unwilling to compromise. According to lecture 6, “intercultural conflict occurs when differences in goals, expectations, and values stem from broader cultural differences” (COM-263 Lecture 6, 2017). This paper will describe an incident that happened in France with a Muslim women on how the conflict arose, the best way to handle the conflict, and one recommendation that comes from a Christian Worldview.
Culture defines people’s values, beliefs, and personal interests. Culture is important because it allows people to maintain a unique identity society. Many cultures have common interests, while others may have customs that differ greatly from that of another. Technology has had a huge impact on present day cultures. Many culture have been altered including my own, and some have been created due to the rise of technology. Cultures differ so greatly that someone belonging to one culture may not agree with the values of another, which then causes social and ethical issues. My culture shares many similarities with others around the world; most of which have connected more people in recent years than ever before. Cultural gaps, and lack of