
Thin Democracy

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Thin" democracy can be considered as the overview of how democracies elect their leaders. Joseph Schumpeter describes "thin" democracy to have free, fair, and regular elections. On the other hand, there are ten "thick" dimensions to what is considered a liberal democracy. "Thick" democracy has characteristics such as a large amount of individual freedoms in terms of speech, belief, and opinion, pluralism in regards to media and information outlets, and equality of all citizens under the law. The distinction between the two are important because they both present two different results when being established. "Thin" democracy is malleable and can multiply at a good rate. However, this only gives an opportunity for good values to be established and does not ensure the same perks as "thick" democracy. "Thick" democracy is slowly forged with liberal …show more content…

The relationship between liberalism and democracy is that both should attempt to be intertwined. Liberalism is like the roof and walls which protect the citizens from government and democracy is the structure and foundations which keeps order. It is completely possible to have one without the other, but the results are not always good. As stated in the second reading, the separation of the two would result in forms of illiberal democracy or liberal autocracy. Illiberal democracy would have the electoral process of a "thin" democracy, but will likely overlook protecting the citizens' rights and focus on accumulating power. A liberal autocracy may not allow much say into who or what is spearheading the nation, but will allow many qualities seen in a "thick" democracy. Illiberal democracies may also eventually spiral into disarray along with horizontal and vertical usurpation. Liberal autocracies would have freedom of speech, a fair judicial system, and even individual freedoms for beliefs, culture, and religion. Of course, there may be more or less freedoms with both liberal autocracies and illiberal

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