
Thin Layer Chromatography Lab Report

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Thin Layer Chromatography (tlc) is a technique used to separate two or more compounds or ions, using a think later or material made out of silica gel on a glass or plastic plate. There are two phases that contribute, the mobile and stationary phase, the mobile phase is when the molecule in solution has to decide to stay in the solution and the stationary phase is when the solution decides to adhere to the solid. Thin layer chromatography is convenient and used for fast qualitative analysis and is very important in organic chemistry because it helps establish the number of components in a mixture and allows us to conclude if two compounds are identical. Chromatography is additionally a green method; the materials such as the tlc plates and the capillary tubes are inexpensive and easily accessible. …show more content…

To do so a tlc plate was obtained and a capillary tube was used to spot on samples of blood A, blood B, solution of naphthalene and one solution of benzophenone. The solutions of naphthalene and benzophenone were made by obtaining one mL of ethanol combining it with with naphthalene and another with benzophenone. Hexane was added to a beaker and the tcl plate was placed in, once completed, the plate was observed under a UV light to visualize the spots. Steps were similarly done with benzamide and coumarin and lakes C and D were used instead and placed into a 2:1 eluent was made using hexane and ethyl

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