
Things Fall Apart Chapter 15 Summary

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Chapter 15(the rice harvest) ji-li was sent to help the farmers to harvest and plant the rice.They have to wake up at 5.30 and finish five endless rows of rice plantation,with lunch in a few minutes and sleep with their sweathy,filthy bodies and cry stomachs.Days of work exhausted the author and she accidentally cut herself with the sickle.But she didnt give up.She sees others finishing the work faster then her and she gets worried.She knew that no one would get to her help,she just continued despite the pain.She was determined to finish it,even when bai shan came to help she refused.This reminded me of a time when we had to run our napha 1.6km,it seemed like it woul never end,but i also persevered through the run,it was certainly tiring too.It …show more content…

Ji-li meant lucky and beautiful as the author mentioned.Ji-li had definitely went through a lot in this book.Many bad things had happened to her.She was certainly lucky in many circumstances,even in the first chapter where she listened to her father and did not go for the audition.And her family and her was certainly lucky that they actually survived the cultural revolution under the five black categories, with physical,emotional and social damage definitely,but at least none of them died unlike many of the other characters in the book.But what i admired of ji-li the most is actually the other word in her name "beauty",not her looks but her beauty from the inside,she actually persevered through the rice harvest despite being sick and injured,the tough times where she had to take care of her family when her father was imprisoned,etc.She was also determined to stay with her family despite the possibilites of a better life without them."Her life might have been made up of dreams before,but now it is filled with her

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