
Things Fall Apart Racism Quotes

Decent Essays

Racism The novel Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, takes place in Africa (Nigeria to be specific) in the 1890s. The first part of the novel describes the customs and general life of the clans. In the second part the villagers struggle to deal with the new whites in town and the church that they built. Many of their people have converted to the new religion including Nwoye, the son of the main protagonist, Okonkwo. The author uses his novel to depict Africa in the way it truly is and not in the way most writers of the past and his day would, as savage and unruly. Achebe writes his novel to depict African society in a way that’s never been done before. He argues that Africans are not prehistoric and are actually very developed and socialized. He also argues that the way Africa is depicted by non-African novelists, is completely racist and wrong. Achebe reads Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness, and realizes that it’s extremely racist and stereotypical. In parts of Conrad’s book he calls the African people “Savage”, “Prehistoric” and “Wild”. Achebe finds Conrad’s work unfair in the way it is told. It gives the idea that Africans really are savage and wild. Achebe writes an essay that clearly points out many of the racist and rude comments towards Africans. In his essay, …show more content…

They have the titled and higher up members of the clan who help to make all the decisions, they have rules that no one questions, and gods that they worship. People there are civilized and are not wild in anyway. “They (the white men) asked who the king of the village was, but the villagers told them that there was no king. ‘We have men of high title and the chief priests and the elders’” (85). They (the villagers) have a way of keeping the piece in the clan without needing a king or some higher power. Doesn’t that say a lot about them and of the people who require a higher power to keep them

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