
'Think Of Both Sides And The Commercial' On Your Child's Life

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A parent’s biggest concern for their child is making sure they are safe at all times. With this in mind many producers portray children as the central focus of their advertisement to appeal to the emotions of scared parents such as the print ad, “Think of Both Sides” and the commercial “On your Child’s Life.” In the print ad the creator portrays a couple driving down the road not paying attention putting not only their child that sits in the backseat in danger, but also someone else’s child that is crossing the road. The commercial uses a young boy to address parents on how they should check their smoke alarms regularly unless they want their child to be in danger of dying from a house fire. In the two advertisements the creators use children to portray the …show more content…

In the advertisement, “Think of Both Sides” the creator uses imagery to appeal to the disturbance that when you’re distracted while driving you could harm not only your own child but also someone else’s. The main focus of this advertisement is the two children that are centered in the print ad. Their facial expressions are made into one face showing how your child sitting in the back seat could have easily been the one crossing the road you are about to hit. This appeals to the viewers, parents, because it makes them scared thinking about how their child is in danger by something they could have prevented. Another appeal in this advertisement is the use of color in the background. The background is faded out so that the main focus is of the young boy crossing the road. This faded

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