Thioplex (Thiotepa) chemotherapy treatment for breast and ovarian cancer
While the word chemotherapy means any drug used to treat all kinds of ailment, it has become de facto treatment associated with cancer. Often shortenedThioplex (Thiotepa) chemotherapy treatment for breast and ovarian cancer
While the word chemotherapy means any drug used to treat all kinds of ailment, it has become de facto treatment associated with cancer. Often shortened as “chemo”, this word seems to strike fear into the hearts of cancer patients. But the truth is this, chemotherapy is crucial to the health of a cancer patient. Chemotherapy helps to prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body; surgery and radiation are area specific. To be more specific, they can kill cancer cells that have metastasized (spread to other areas) from where initial diagnosis was made.
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Thioplex is classified as an alkylating agent; they attack the cells when they are in their resting phase. They are also cell cycle non-specific. as “chemo”, this word seems to strike fear into the hearts of cancer patients. But the truth is this, chemotherapy is crucial to the health of a cancer patient. Chemotherapy helps to prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body; surgery and radiation are area specific. To be more specific, they can kill cancer cells that have metastasized (spread to other areas) from where initial diagnosis was made.
An example of a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast, ovarian, bladder cancers is Thioplex, or Thiotepa which is the generic name for Thioplex. Thioplex is classified as an alkylating agent; they attack the cells when they are in their resting phase. They are also cell cycle
The term chemotherapy is defined as: “The treatment of disease by means of chemicals that have a specific toxic effect upon the disease-producing microorganisms that selectively destroy cancerous tissue” (Dictionary of Cultural Literacy). When chemotherapy was first developed at the beginning
Cancer is a disease in which cells multiply out of control and gradually build a mass of tissue called a tumor. There has been a large amount of research dedicated to the treatment and cure of cancer. Several types of treatments have been developed. The following are just some of the major examples of cancer therapy: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologic therapy, biorhythms, unconventional treatments, and hyperthermia. Each type of treatment is discussed in detail below.
Hence the cells undergoing rapid proliferation in the cell cycle are more liable to the cytotoxic effect of MTX. Chemotherapy affects in cell division by damaging DNA or RNA. If the cancer cells cannot divide, the tumor will shrink. Chemotherapy drugs could be effective in dividing cells, (cell-cycle specific); or to cells that are at rest, (cell-cycle non-specific) ("Methotrexate." Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative 21 Nov 2012.
• Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the use of medicines to stop or slow the growth of cancer cells.
DNA is composed of two strands with molecules binding to either both strands or only one strand. If the cell attempts to reproduce crosslinked DNA while it is going through cell division the strand of DNA can break, leading to apoptosis, which is programmed cell death.4 The category of alkylating agents has many subcategories of chemicals. The nitrogen mustards include mechlorethamine, chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, and melphalan.5 The group nitrosoureas includes streptozicin, carmustine, and lomustine.5 Alkyl sulfates include one chemical called busulfan.5 The subcategory known as triazines includes dacarbazine and temozolomide. The ethylenimines include thiotepa and alretamine.5 Since these drugs inhibit cell replication, there is a lot of damage done to the human body. One very detrimental piece of damage that is done is long-term damage to bone marrow.5 Bone marrow is responsible for producing the blood cells in the body. It holds hematopoietic stem cells, which allow for the production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. White blood cells are what allow our bodies to fight off infection, so if there is damage to the bone marrow, our body will not produce white blood cells in an effective manner which will ultimately make us more susceptible to infection or disease. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body as well
What patients are told is that the chemotherapy is destroying the normal and healthy functioning of vital organs such as the liver, heart, brain and kidneys. Yes, it could also be a reduction of the tumor, but the point here is not simply to get out of the treatment of cancer with only small tumors.
It is one of the most common ways in treating cancer, following radiation therapy. Patients with cancer get chemo for many reasons: keeping the cancer from spreading, slow the cancer's growth, kill cancer cells that may spread to other parts of the body, relieve symptoms, and possibly cure cancer. There are different ways chemotherapy can be taken, the most common being through an IV. Other methods are taking it to the mouth in the form of pills, getting a shot similar to a vaccine, or applying directly onto the affected area. How frequent the chemotherapy has to be taken solely depends on the size, location, patient's condition, etc. It can vary from once a day to once a month. The common symptoms after undergoing chemo are hair loss, nausea, fertility problems, and changes in mouth, skin, emotions, memory, and bone marrow (blood cell
According to Perry & Potter, chemotherapy is a certain chemical given as a systemic therapy to control her cancer. It stops cells from dividing by trapping them in the “G0” phase. There are two major classifications of chemotherapy drugs, but you will probably be given a combination of the two (2013). Perry and Potter go on to say that you may be given the medication by mouth, a shot, an IV, through the artery, directly to the cavity in which the cancer is located, or through a lumbar puncture (2013). Once the doctor puts the order through I will be able to specify and explain in further detail which of these you will be receiving. Some of the down sides of chemotherapy is that the drug cannot distinguish between cancer cells and non cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease that has affected millions of people and their families, including mine. Most of my grandparents have had cancer, and they have all been treated differently. It interests me to see what they have been through. One of the main ways to treat cancer is chemotherapy. There are many types of chemotherapy and side effects of chemotherapy.
Cancer has been devastating to humans killing beloved people and tearing peoples’ families apart. A disease that is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells in part of a human’s body which ends up controlling the person’s life practically pulling the soul out of the patient. Though there is no cure yet medicine has advanced enough to have developed a type of medicine that is supposed to kill these uncontrolled cells. This type of savage medicine is known as chemotherapy which is know for its harsh and devastating side effects which often times makes the patient worse than when they started. Chemotherapy must be stopped being practiced due to its unreliable and harsh ways this kind of medicine should avoided and research should be put into
Chemotherapy, as well as other cancer treatments, aims to help the patient overcome this disease. Even though chemo is used to treat almost any type of sickness, it is most commonly known for its effects on cancer cells inside the human body. Typically, chemo is not used as a treatment by itself. Many
Chemotherapy: involves the use of chemicals and drugs that act as poison to kill off the cancer. This requires regular
Chemotherapy is the most commonly used form of treatment used to fight cancer. Over half of all patients that are diagnosed with cancer receive this form of treatment. There are several different methods that this drug can be administered. It can be given by IV, oral drugs, rectally or all three can be used at the same time. Many of the chemotherapy treatments lead to hair loss during the course of the treatment (, 1997).
Before chemotherapy the survival rate of people with cancer was lower. Cancer cannot be eliminated by natural resources; however, there is a way for someone who has had it to prevent it from coming back. It has been proven that if you get cancer it is likely to come back between 6 to 10 times. You can prevent this by eating healthy. By eating healthy you strengthen your immune system allowing it to be able to fight and destroy the cancer cells living in your body. Chemotherapy has helped society by helping save millions, maybe even billions of peoples’ lives. In my opinion I think that scientist, chemist, and oncologist
“Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs, the latter process is referred to as metastasizing. Metastases are the major cause of death from cancer” (WHO, 2014). “ A person cannot do anything to prevent cancer, but there are things that can be done to reduce the chances of getting it.