To most people third grade was just another year. One shoved to the back of their mind or completely forgot about. However third grade was more than just a year of school shoved to the back of my mind never to be touched again, thanks to Mrs. Smith. She was not only a great teacher but also a great person and role model. With a perfect balance of fun and hard work, along with keeping her students in check. Mrs. Smith was the real MVP of all teachers. Mrs. Smith was one of the few teachers that I have ever admired as a teacher, and as person. She would put in the extra hours of time and work to make our third grade experience extraordinary. As a kid whose mother is a seventh and eighth grade Language Arts teacher, I know the amount of time
When I was 5 I went to Eisenhower elementary my teacher in kindergarten was Mrs. Herbst. All of my teachers were just ok but then in fourth grade I had an awesome teacher named Mrs. dune she gave us an extra recess and just gave us candy if we were good. She had us play with computers if we got are work done.
Through twelve years of school the teacher that stands out is my band teacher, Amanda Posey. She made me a better person, helped me grow up, and taught me many skills that I will use. She has made a positive impact and difference on my life. Posey has a passion for teaching music, teaches life lessons, and challenges her students making her an amazing teacher.
She was unapologetic about treating her students, especially her honors ones, like adults. She was strict about plagiarism and demanded our full efforts. Within our social studies curriculum, she found ways to infuse valuable life lessons and talk
Mrs. Wilson is the teacher who has had the most impact on my life. She was my first grade teacher and the woman who gave me a love for learning. I was a child with a very low self-esteem. I felt like I struggled to fit in, I had two older brothers, who to me, seemed to be great at everything. My brothers are four and five years older than I am. My oldest brother got straight A’s and my other brother was very athletic.
There is a quote that I have embraced during my professional journey I like that state, “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased”. As a product of the Muscogee County School district, my life mirrors that statement. If it were not for my awesome teachers I would not be the person and teacher I am today. Growing up poor, I lived in Wilson Apartments and attended Fox Elementary School. It was my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Vignery that ignited my passion to become a teacher. She would always hold my hand and made me feel loved despite my many issues. As a result, I wanted to pass this love to my students. I cannot remember not one single thing that she taught me, but I will never forget how she made me feel. I find myself holding
I interviewed Mrs. Long, Conner’s kindergarten teacher. I felt Mrs. Long to be a very caring and full of life type of teacher. She did well at keeping the kids
Ms. Hoskins is a lovely teacher and a lovely person. I can go to her for everything even though she was a new teacher. I love her and I know she loves me. She cares for everyone and really wants to see the best in everyone. She has influenced my by showing me that I can get through out the hard times. I can fix things on my own. She has taught me that confidence is key.
First day of senior year I walked into my Literature class taught by the incredibly too chipper, Ms. Cordell. If her name didn’t already sound prestigious enough, she expected nothing but sublime work and effort from each us. In light of it, I loved having a teacher that pushed her class as unyielding as individually we were capable of. Not to mention, I felt that she knew our potential and uniquely wanted to help us live up to it. Her classroom was organized and clean.
In my thirteen years of schooling I have studied under more than fifty teachers, all of which have dropped a coin or two into my academic piggy bank. But, when I think of a person who has had an important influence on my life, one name stands out in my mind more than others: Mrs.Cox. This woman was one of a kind! As both my second and third grade teacher, Mrs.Cox had two full years to fill my head with the wonders of science, math, reading, and writing. Within this time frame she taught me with strategies I had never seen before and ultimately helped me gain an in-depth understanding of the core subjects in a way that made me realize that with unwavering focus and commitment I could master anything I was given.
By the end of the year I had an A in her class and a really strong vocab like Tempestuous and Courageous. It is amazing how a strict teacher like her could change a student's life and make them the future
My favorite teacher, Mrs. Messina, was awesome in many ways. She was kind and was very considerate.She did not give me lots of homework. She still found a way to fully teach us. I also thought she was nice and considerate because she sometimes let us have naps and food.
I had many wonderful teachers throughout my educational career but one individual in particular stands out among the rest. Her name was Mrs. Hoggle. Mrs. Hoggle had a passion for teaching and for her students. She continued her care far beyond the classroom, always caring for students as if they were her own. Her enthusiasm was always encouraging and helped to maintain a positive classroom environment every single day.
I have always been good in math, but when I would struggle with something Mrs. Crafton was always right there to try and help explain it in as many different ways as possible until it clicked in my brain. The last teacher I have to thank for all my success and valuable skills is Kimi Romey, she has helped me basically all of my High School career, always putting in extra time to help me with whatever I needed. She also helps instill confidence in myself when I doubted my skills. It did not matter what I need help with she was there to help me. She pushes me to do better, work harder, and not to stay in my comfort zone, but really push myself to my full potential.
Time was not an issue to this woman; we would spend three days on one problem so that everyone would understand it. She really took her time. She did not want us to learn the stuff then forget it the next day. Most teachers are just worried about people passing their class. Mrs. Young wanted the best for us. Not only was she a good person, but she had a way of getting information down to our level where we could understand it. If it were not for her, I might be in the gutter somewhere.
Another class that I enjoyed was English 2 taught by Mrs. Smith. Yea some people think she is though on her students, that’s because she is but I think that it has a purpose. She gives some challenging assignment that nobody wants to do but somehow she motivates us to complete them. I remember two projects that were fun and effective, not only as school work but to help sharpen our people skills. One of those projects was to write a children’s story book based on an activist from the civil rights movement. Once we completed our book we took part in a field trip to two elementary schools here in Barstow, once there we assigned to a five person groups and we also received a list with the room numbers that we were to visit. We read our books to first as well as to second graders. After we I finished I had some of the children write their named on the back of my book.