
Third Party Administration Scenario

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Team, Please assist and provide Deb Bush with the requested information for the third party auditors. As you can see from her email, she is a bit behind so please assist her at your earliest convenience. Here is my suggestion to provide requested information based on an assistance in past: Storage Group ( Paul Herbert): • Request ID: B5300.02-CompuWeigh-Request Name: CompuWeigh: Backup Restore- Please provide the latest Compuweigh Accounts Receivable & WeighStation backup restore report. • Request ID: B5300.03-CompuWeigh-Request Name: CompuWeigh: Backup Log Please provide screenshot of the "TSM05_Server1" backup status log for the Compuweigh Accounts Receivable & WeighStation scheduled backups for the "UTLSHAPP1" and "UTLSHAPP2" nodes. …show more content…

For any sub groups, please provide screenshots of the group membership, including "UTLSHAdmins", "BTS DBA Dist Group DBA group (Vunnam Vinitha): • Request ID: B5100.05-CompuWeigh (RF) Request Name: CompuWeigh: Database Changes Phase: Year End 1Cycle: Entity Level and IT General Controls SQL - DB Changes.txt Instructions Please provide the listing of database changes performed since 10/01/2016. Please execute the attached query and (i).export the output to a spreadsheet, and (ii).collect a screenshot from the full screen (showing the query, results, dates, etc). • Request ID: B5200.10-CompuWeigh (RF)Request Name: CompuWeigh: Sysadmins (RF) Requested By: Valle, Bert Phase: Year End 1Cycle: Entity Level and IT General Controls SQL - Server Roles.txt SQL - DB Roles.txt Instructions Please provide the listing of users with "sysadmin" /dbo role within CompuWeigh's database server. Please run the attached queries and (i).export the output to a text file, (ii).collect a screenshot from the full screen (we need to see the query, results, dates,

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