
This Chapter Will Provide The Theoretical Framework For

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This chapter will provide the theoretical framework for training teachers for family engagement followed by a current and comprehensive literature review of: (1)
Importance of family engagement, (2) Family engagement and educational equity,
(3) Current state of teacher preparation for family engagement, (4) Teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards family engagement, and (5) Best practices for teacher preparation. Following the literature review, the summary at the end of the chapter will propose the need for the study and possible research questions to guide the study.
Theoretical Framework This study is grounded in several universal theories. The scope and backdrop of the research study is based on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems …show more content…

This leads to believe that providing quality training to preservice teachers will impact the learning environment to provide better outcomes for children entrenched in that environment. Additionally, building and embracing a relational, inclusive, and collaborative family engagement approach between schools, communities and families may help educational institutions move from a limited microsystems position that only focuses on child interactions with parents and home to the integrated approach of Bronfenbrenner Ecological System (Mapp & Hong, 2010). Epstein’s (2001) Home, School and Community topology. Epstein’s (2001) Home, School and Community topology also forms the backdrop of this study. Epstein’s topology consists of six types of family involvement practices for building a comprehensive home-school partnership: 1) Parenting: assisting families with parenting skills; 2) Communications: communicating with families about school programs and student progress; 3) Volunteering: improving recruitment, training, activities and schedules to involve families as volunteers; 4) Learning at Home: Involving families with their children in academic learning activities at home; 5) Decision Making: including families in school decisions, governance and advocacy activities; 6) Collaborating with the Community: coordinating the work and resources of community business, agencies, culture and civic organizations. Applying the above framework will help us teach

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