
This Is My Body: Annotated Bibliography

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Contrary to popular belief, racism and sexism are not mutually exclusive. More often than not, one can find racial discrimination closely connected to gender discrimination and vice versa. Kelly Brown Douglas, author of Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective, makes this connection evident in her chapter “Stereotypes, False Images, Terrorism: The White Assault upon Black Sexuality”. She discusses elements of gender and sexual stereotypes involved in racism and how they are still a detriment to black women and men today. Teresa Delgado similarly dissects the involvement of gender and sex in racism in the chapter “This is My Body...Given for You: Theological Anthropology Latina/Mente”. Delgado focuses on young girls who are forced into the sex trafficking ring and how religion is often used …show more content…

Before taking any steps forward toward solving the problem, the Christian community should start accepting the framework for sexual ethics Margaret Farley outlines in her book, Just love: a Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics. Under Farley’s framework, the racial discrimination Black and Latina women face through their sexuality is a clear violation on every possible basis. According to Farley, every individual must have a sense of autonomy (Farley ). In the case of sex trafficking, the girls forced into it do not have a say in what happens to their body. They do not get to choose whether or not they would like to sacrifice their bodies for their family nor do they get to choose how the men they come into contact with are able to interact with them (consequently spreading HIV/AIDS). Also, sexual stereotypes were forced onto black people through the institution of slavery. Slavery is an obvious violation of an individual's personal autonomy and their right to free consent. Therefore, black people should not be upheld to any standard created by the institution of

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