Choose two of the divine attributes discussed in lesson 127 and explain how Aquinas derives them.
God is one: Aquinas said if there were two or more gods, you would need a way to distinguish between them. Since God is pure act, which Thomas reasoned in his first way, having more than one god would be impossible. Lets say we could distinguish between them by the knowledge that one is stronger than the other. This immediately disregards Thomas' first way, saying that one god would have an unrealized potentiality. Any characteristic that one god has or lacks over the other would mean that the aren't fully potent and thus couldn't be first in an essential order and creator of all things.God is immaterial: Material things are changeable. Change,
St. Thomas Aquinas’s first cosmological argument, the prime mover, defines things in the world as being either in a state of potentiality or in a state of actuality. Those things that are in potentiality are things that have the capability of being reduced to another form. Such as a boy is potentially a man, or tree is potentially a house. Things that are in a state of actuality are things that are currently reaching their potential; such as that boy becoming a man, or that tree becoming that house. Aquinas observed that all things in a state of actuality had to have been put into that state by something that was already in actuality. In thinking about this he concluded that there would have to be an infinite regress of actual things making potential things actual. He concluded that this would be impossible because given that, there would be no first mover. He instead, postulated that there must be a first mover. A being that never had potential but only has existed in a state of infinite actuality. That what we call God.
In the bible, there is only one God, and He is the Indivisible and Infinite Source of all things. Though He Himself has no beginning, He sees everything, knows everything and created everything in the entire universe, including light, completely out of nothing within only seven days. He is pure and holy. God then soon created Adam and Eve and placed them on earth. In Greek mythology,
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Even before the birth of whom would be a major contributor in the foundation of the Catholic Church a prophecy was brought before his mother. According to this prophecy, Thomas Aquinas the son of Landulph, count of Aquino, would enter the Order of Friars Preachers, become a great learner and achieve unequaled sanctity. (
Thomas Aquinas also had a critique of the ontological argument, that we as humans cannot know Gods nature, humans will all conceive of God in different ways, some conceptions of God even assign him a body; this argument couldn’t apply to all these conceptions, some of which are contradictory, this would mean it’s impossible to conceive of God in the way that Anselm has put forward. In order for the ontological argument to work you would need to know God perfectly, and since only God knows itself perfectly, only God could use this argument. The phrase “a being than which none greater can be imagined” is far too vague to be used in a strong argument.
B. Many Christians regard reason as an enemy of the faith, as opposed to an instrument in its cultivation.
In The Five Ways, from Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas gives the five ways in which an individual can prove that there is a God. In his arguments, Aquinas uses a posteriori and inductive arguments to help prove the existence of God. An a posteriori argument is an argument that uses statements that you cannot know through pure reason like the statement dogs are descendants of wolves. In contrast, an a priori argument is an argument that consist of statements you can know through pure reason like 2 is the square root of 4. Likewise, an inductive argument is an argument that is an attempt to provide premises that make likely the truth of the conclusion, which is used in Aquinas argument. In contrast, a deductive argument is an argument that attempts to provide premises that guarantee the truth of the conclusion.
Is God real? This question has been asked for thousands of years. What proof do we have? So far no physical proof has been found, however Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican Monk, offered some of the best arguments for the existence of God In his book the Summa Theologiae. Aquinas describes five ways that god could be proven. His arguments began with empirical observations of how he sensed the world around him and are therefor a posteriori. Here I will list the premise of each of the five arguments and discuss their validity.
This God however does take on three forms known as The Trinity. The Christian doctrine states that God exists as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
While we live in a world that idolizes popstars and political figures, we often forget about the men that made our self expression possible. Humanism is defined as “a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason (Humanism).” St. Francis and St. Aquinas were both key figures in the beginning of this movement. Instead of reflecting on the holy they decided to look inward and also outward at the world that surrounded them. St. Aquinas, St. Francis, and the impacts they had on humanism were monumental and are worthy of discussion.
states that all wars are sinful, but if it is justified it is not a sin; however, I feel that just because one has authority over others, this shouldn't
as having three forms or aspects God, the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit,
morality, and we come to the natural law through conscience and reason. Essentially, Aquinas incorporates Aristotle's
2.) Aquinas makes two objections to this theory. His first objection is that man could not forget what he
Trinity is one God. Each of the persons of the trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit “is God whole and entire”. I believe that the trinity of persons consists of one substance and one essence. Each of the persons is that supreme reality, the divine substance, essence or nature. Each of the three persons are distinct from one another, but known to be related to one another.