
Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration Of Independance

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The Life of Jefferson
“I look with infinite joy to the moment when I shall be ultimately moored in the midst of my affections, and free to follow the pursuits of my choice.” - Thomas Jefferson on February 27, 1809 to Jefferson’s beloved daughter Martha Jefferson Randolph. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. He was a Democratic, but that didn’t matter when it came to being a leader. He is one of the most famous presidents of all time because he wrote the Declaration of Independance. In this essay I will go over the Politics, Background and, Life Style of Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic Republican. Which nowadays that party would lean more towards the democratic side. He believed in a free country from Britain and he was chosen to write the draft Declaration of Independance. He put what he believed in that paper and now that is one of America's most sacred documents. For it freed us from the King. His career was a very interesting one. He started out as the Governor of Virginia from 1779-1781 then he got injured his last year in the office of being the Governor. Then in 1776 he wrote the Declaration of Independance. Then four years later ,in 1800, he beat out John Adams in an election for president. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States of America. …show more content…

His mother was Jane Randolph Jefferson and his father’s name was Peter Jefferson. His mother was a stay at home mom and his dad was a plantation owner. He had nine siblings over all. He had six sisters and three brothers. Thomas Jefferson got married on January the first 1772. He was married to Martha Wayles Skelton or soon to be Martha Jefferson. When Jefferson was older he had many kids. Not all of them are his wife's kids though. He had at least six children with a slave her name was Sally Hemings. He also had up to six kids with his wife too. Out of all his kids only 2 survived to live till adult

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