In this passage, Thomas P. states that many people argue that guns are the cause of the nearly 22% increase in the homicide rate between 2015 and 2016. While guns are a problem, giving restrictions may not be the solution. Most criminals would still be able to obtain these weapons illegally, leaving people that abide by the law without them for self protection. Actually, in the passage he says most gun crimes are performed with weapons that are already illegally possessed. Taking away a person’s right to own their own firearms also violates the second amendment, which states the right of the people to bear arms. That amendment was put in place so that civilians could overthrow an unjust government if ever put in that situation.
She also believes this phrase to imply that gun ownership is dependent on a lot of training and discipline. During the American Revolution the militia was not part of the military but rather a collection of rebels many of them with only the most basic of training. This amendment was included second, something I believe symbolizes its importance to our founding fathers, to make sure we are able to protect and defend our country in the case of a militarized police state or in case our military fails to stop an enemy invasion. By banning guns we would only be taking away this important constitutional right from law abiding citizens. She also makes the point that guns should be regulated the way cars are regulated. (Ivins 324) On this point I do agree, but also add that for the most part guns are regulated much like cars. In most states you must be 21 to own a handgun and 18 to own a rifle or shotgun, much like the age restrictions on driving. Felons, for example cannot own a gun and most states require a thorough background check before a purchase and require gun owners to be licensed and their guns registered. A compromise I would make with the author would be to have these
In 2016, Greg Jones wrote an article titled “The Real Reason Americans Oppose Gun Control.” In the article, Jones informs the audience why Americans refuse to give up their Second Amendment rights to our tyrannical government. In the article, Jones adds explanation to three main reasons why Americans will not give up their Second Amendment rights. First, Jones says that “The Crazies Get Guns, But Not Us,” Jones is implying that even if the government would bad guns, criminals will still have access. The government banned drugs, but the streets of the United States are still flooded with them. Second, Jones explains that the Second Amendment was not created by the founding fathers for just hunting purpose, but for protection against the government.
The second amendment grants the right to bear arms for all citizens of the United States of America. Recently though, this amendment has come into question because of how people are abusing the rights given to us only to protect us. Instead of using the weapons to help protect America, recently many events have taken place where the right to bear arm has caused more harm than protection. Millions of people have lost their lives because of the lack of strict gun laws. Many of those people are innocent kids, kids who had so much potential all taken away from a gun. The Washington Post, recently posted an opinion piece by Adam Ross called “I’ve had guns pointed at me, I’m glad I didn’t have one.” In the article, Ross relates his personal experience
In the article Gun Control Laws, by Stephen P. Halbrook, the author believes that gun control is not only useless, it puts citizens into harm's way and even takes away their rights. First, gun control does not keep people safe and protect them from shootings such as the one that happened in las vegas, it makes them more vulnerable and less prepared. In fact it has no effect whatsoever on these types of shootings because criminals have their own illegal ways to get guns. For example, France has far stricter gun laws than the U.S. Yet, 130 were slain, mostly with illegal guns, in the 2015 Paris attacks.” Also, police can not be always be their for every citizen in need, and having gun restrictions only makes matters worse. Families having a gun
John p. Stevens gives the meaning of the second amendment by focusing on precedents. He gives an example of a killing of children in Newtown from grammar-school in December 2012 and other unnecessary massacres that have involved guns. He gives estimations that in general, over 30,000 people are massacred using guns. Such incidents necessitate adoption of rules to lessen their occurrences (Stevens).
The context of the Second Amendment has frequently been debated in American history. Namely, the constitutionality of issuing restrictive laws on gun control based on the Second Amendment has caused controversy. In the last fifty years the prevalence of this topic has grown dramatically. With the increase in recent tragic events, such as school shootings and homicides, guns laws have become a common topic. Gun control activists have often sought stricter restrictions and laws to prevent citizens from purchasing and possessing guns in general. While there are many interesting arguments on both sides of the issue, it poses an important question on our inherent rights, as guaranteed
One of the most debated and polarizing issues in modern day America is the issues surrounding the second amendment. The issue of gun control has been raging on in the American political scene for years and, talk about the issue has only grown. The debate has always been brought to the limelight after major shootings throughout the United States, most recently with the horrible attack at the nightclub in Orlando, Florida. According to the crowd sourced website, Mass Shooting Tracker, there have over 370 mass shootings that have taken place this year itself. The tracker considers all acts of violence where four or more people are wounded or killed. The second amendment has been put into place over 200 years ago to give the people the right to bear arms. While people argue the exact interpretation of the second amendment, the ability to own a gun in America must be respected. There are many pros and cons to owning guns in America, but we can all agree that drastic steps must be taken to end the violence that guns have strangled America with.
Gun crime in America has become a big issue. We are barraged by news outlets with story after story showing the wide use of guns in horrific and tragic crimes. These crimes all too often end in single if not multiple deaths. Politicians and law makers are constantly trying to find ways to reduce these crimes and keep the public safe. Unfortunately their ideas or methods involve some measure meant at reducing or eliminating the public’s access to guns. This method only infringes on the basic and most significant of all American rights, the right to keep and bear arms, as defined in the second amendment. It also takes guns from honest law abiding citizens and puts them in the hands of the criminals committing these crimes. The only
America is the most well armed nation in the world, with American citizens owning about 270 million of the world’s 875 million firearms (Marshall). Indeed, this is more than a quarter of the world’s registered firearms. The reason why Americans own so many guns is because of the Second Amendment, which states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Rauch) This amendment guarantees U.S. citizens the right to have firearms. Since this amendment is relatively vague, it is up for interpretation, and is often used by gun advocates to argue for lenient gun laws. Hence, gun control is a frequently discussed controversial topic in
In the book Guns, Gun Control, and Elections: The Politics and Policy of Firearms, Wilson discusses the complex issue of gun control and the many debates and controversies regarding the issue. Many people throughout the United States feel it is the right as a citizen in the United States to own a weapon, and the government should have no say in the matter. These people believe this because of the part of the Second Amendment that states, “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” People who are strong advocates against gun control use this part of the Second Amendment to drive their point across. Advocates against gun control believe that preserving the freedom of a state through a militia is not the only way
People have begun to think there needs to be more gun control, Harrell believes that “People are blaming the gun for killing people. The gun itself does not kill people, people kill people. Taking guns away is not going to solve the issue. Marijuana is illegal but people can still somehow get their hands on it. What makes you think people won't illegally get guns?” piggybacking off of Ms. Harrell’s thought, the 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms means that as an individual it's their right to have an armed weapon, so taking that right away from Americans will enrage society. People just can't change the constitution, it has been the backbone to our
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary for a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (“The Constitution of the United States,” Amendment 2).” These fourteen straightforward words in the Bill of Rights have been a debate for most of our history. While criminals are loading up on combat weapons, why make it complicated just to own a handgun? The government needs to learn that taking guns away from citizens leave them vulnerable, gun control cannot stop murder or suicide and they cannot base their argument on a myth of less guns equal less crime.
Every year, thousands of people, innocent or guilty die from gun violence in the United States. Gun violence is despicable while guns are still lawful with a permit. The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Cornell). This statement means that the government were to ever become corrupt the people have the rights to guns in order to protect themselves. This amendment was written because of the Revolutionary War. The founding fathers didn 't want the people to be defenseless like they were against the British so they guaranteed that right. However, our founding fathers failed to think about the disadvantages of giving access to guns in our country so easily. Many people debate that there should be more limits on gun control considering the many deaths and mass shootings that have occurred in the United States. Our country leads all nations in gun violence yet some still debate that it 's in the constitution for a reason, for the protection of the people.
In the space separating 1982 and 2012 the U.S. had approximately sixty-two mass shootings. Just because of this statement gun control should be fortified in order to reduce crime rate. Gun control laws in the U.S. are too facile. An example of this is that you can walk into a Walmart with money and an I.D. and walk out with a handgun. There are restrictions to gun ownership but they are not enforced. Usually the opposing crowd who do not want to bolster gun control use the Second Amendment as an excuse to not agree with the idea that emphasizing gun control will help the U.S. in many ways. Gun control in the U.S. should and needs to be
We have had several of the worst mass shootings in our nation's history in quick succession over the past few years. Certain legal restrictions and acts from our government could have prevented numerous deaths. Common sense background checks and limitations to cartridge size and assault weapons would surely have saved many lives at the Las Vegas Massacre, but certain men and women claim that these restrictions violate their second amendment right. They claim that guns aren't the problem. That guns don't kill people, people kill people. So limiting access to devastating guns is just avoiding the problem. The Second Amendment right presumably violated by common sense gun control is “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Second Amendment). The Second Amendment states that for the need of a well regulated militia to protect the security of the free state and the right for the people to keep and bear arms. Militias have been inactive for decades so in a sense the intent of the amendment is no longer relevant. Based on the 2nd Amendment, the Constitution is not still a valuable and viable document in modern America because it stands in the way of thorough background checks, training courses, and its vague wording and absolute intent make it inefficient to maintain peace and order and should be amended “To the People of the United