
Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Founding Fathers, George Washington

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Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Founding Fathers, George Washington. Do these names sound familiar to you? Hopefully they do, because all of these famous historical figures helped us to create the American government that we know today. As the young American government was being created, there were many documents that contributed to the ideas that helped us shape our nation. When the Founding Fathers were developing our government they looked back to famous writing of European Enlightenment thinkers. Two main documents the Founding Fathers started relied on were “Two Treatises” by John Locke and “Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbes. When the Founding Fathers were writing the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution, they needed starting point to base their government off of. As they were reading these documents, it became more and more obvious to be a successful independent Country they would need to create a strong government that would not only control everything but give rights to the people and let the governed have a big voice in how the government runs. …show more content…

To fix this, they decided to split up the power so that no one person or one small group of people had complete power. Instead, they made branches such as executive, legislative, and judicial and together these groups help to run our government. Even though each branch has a lot of power, they do not have control of everything. The Founding Fathers created the system of checks and balances so that whenever a branch made a decision the other branches had a say in whether it was fair or not to the

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