
Thomas Willis Accomplishments

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A person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office. I think honor means doing something brave even if you couldn’t save anyone or do something to help people. Thomas willis was born on January 27, 1621 and died November 11, 1675. He was a english doctor and was an important part in the history of anatomy, neurology and psychiatry. He was also a founding member of the Royal Society. Thomas Willis was also known to be the Father of Neuroscience. He was responsible for building the foundation which a lot of studies, research, and discoveries relating to the brain and the nervous system stemmed from. Thomas willis was honored for all of his research in anatomy. Willis's anatomy of the brain and nerves, as described in his Cerebri anatome of 1664, is minute and elaborate. This work coined the term neurology, and was not the result of his own personal and unaided exertions; he acknowledged his debt to Sir Christopher Wren, who provided drawings, Thomas Millington, and his fellow anatomist Richard Lower. It abounds in new information, and presents an enormous contrast with the vaguer efforts of his predecessors. …show more content…

He noted the parallel lines of the mesolobe (corpus callosum), afterwards minutely described by Félix Vicq-d'Azyr. He seems to have recognised the communication of the convoluted surface of the brain and that between the lateral cavities beneath the fornix. He described the corpora striata and optic thalami; the four orbicular eminences, with the bridge, which he first named annular protuberance; and the white mammillary eminences, behind the infundibulum. In the cerebellum he remarks the arborescent arrangement of the white and grey matter and gives a good account of the internal carotids and the communications which they make with the branches of the basilar

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