
Thorndike 's Theory Of Verbal Behavior, Comparative Psychology, Intelligence Testing, And The Application Of Quantitative Measure

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Thorndike pioneered work in educational practices, verbal behavior, comparative psychology, intelligence testing, the nature-nurture problem, transfer of training, and the application of quantitative measure to sociopsychological problems. Thorndike called the association between sense impressions and impulse to action a bond or a connection. This marked the first formal attempt to link sensory events to behavior. Thorndike’s concern was not only for stimulus conditions and tendencies to action, but also for what held the stimulus and response together. He believed they were connected by a neural bond. His theory is called connectionism. For Thorndike, the most basic form of learning was trial-and-error learning, or what he originally …show more content…

Please define and explain Thorndike’s Law of Readiness, Law of Exercise, and Law of Effect, prior to 1930. Additionally, identify the revisions that Thorndike made to each of these laws.
According to the book, the Law of Readiness is defined and explained prior to the 1930 as the following: This law states that the responses to a situation that have a sustaining state of matters will be reinforced and will become a habitual response to that situation. Likewise, replies to a condition that have an annoying state of affairs will be weakened and are not likely to be repeated. Also it refers as satisfying state of matters is where an individual does nothing to evade the result, or tries to maintain it. An annoying state of matters is where an individual does nothing to preserve the result, or tries to avoid it. Generally, we can say that interfering with goal-directed behavior causes frustration and causing someone to do something they do not want to do is also frustrating.
The Law of Exercise had two parts. First, the connection between a stimuli and a response can be strengthened or weakened. This is the part of the law of exercise called the law of use. Second, connections can be strengthened by practicing hard and frequently or it can be weakened by discontinuing the practice. This is the portion of the law of exercise called the law of disuse. In brief and simple way, this law of exercise says that we learn by doing and forget by not doing.
The Law

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