
Thor's Cauldron Essay

Decent Essays

Once upon a mystic time in norse culture, two gracious giants by the name of Aegir and Ran decided to host a feast, but only if the God’s provided them with a kettle large enough to brew mead for all of the invited guests. In all of the Nine Worlds, the Gods knew that Hymir, a giant himself, was the only one to bear a cauldron big enough to prepare a meal fit for even the halls of Asgaurd. Thor, the brawniest God who controlled the skies and lightning, was known as the one with the most knowledge of being accustomed to the giants, so he volunteered to deal with Hymir and bring the cauldron to the Gods on the seafloor. Thor traveled to the house of Hymir in order to obtain the cauldron. Hymir, in the meantime, slew three bulls for the two during Thor’s stay. …show more content…

Angrily, he arranged for both Thor and himself to go on a fishing trip the next morning to catch the next day’s meal. The sun had risen, and Hymir sent Thor to his pasteur to grab bait for their fishing trip that day. Thor decided to kill the most prized and biggest bull of Hymir, and use it’s head for bait. Even more angry, the Giant’s frustration grew toward the young and reckless God. With Hymir witnessing his irresponsibility, he still hoped that his strength and daring qualities would help them both on their trip out to sea. In the boat, Thor was on the stern and Hymir was fishing on the opposite side. They rowed out to the usual fishing grounds of the Giant, where he happily caught two whales to his content. Thor to his arrogance decided to sail out even farther for more prizes, but Hymir objected immediately out of his fear. He warned Thor of the dangers that lurk behind the ocean’s darkness, which to his intent, knew rightfully about. The seas were inhabited by a creature so fearsome that many did not believe in such a

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