Thought Experiment 2 The use of social media has increased drastically over the past decade, and the number of users continuously rises. Personally, I am not part of the greater population and never have I engaged in the creation of a social media account. The evolution of technology and rise of social media, evoked a change in the world; furthermore, there is a negative and positive outcome targeted on the younger generation. Social media has massive influence of children. It vital for parents to be aware and continuously monitor their kid’s online activity. For the most part, children in the United States have an easy access to technology; moreover, it is even part of the public education system. Many kids have a social media account, which is viewed as a norm today. Author Fields indicates that “adolescence is a period of significant emotional, physical and social growth for both boys and girls” (Inside Social Life 139). During this time, where kids are discovering themselves, they can communicate and be impacted by a massively diverse population. …show more content…
People on social media accounts can freely express their opinions, which can be cruel at times. This can play a role in the child’s self-identification. Depending on the response that children get, it can impact their behavior. They become so obsessed with the gain of a social currency, known as likes, that self-expression is hindered. Koughan, Frank) Children like attention and will change their behavior, to gain that attention. According to author Cooley, “strong joy or grief depend upon the treatment this rudimentary social self receives” (Inside Social Life 179). Not only does it suppress a child’s expression, but can also lead them to engage in some dangerous activities. To gain popularity, many kids film themselves taken part of dangerous acts to gain a response of amuse and entertainment from the audience. (Koughan,
With social media growing and growing into a mass of accounts and profiles and different groups of people and clubs and websites and other things, what adolescents do on social media is something that many parents worry about. Not every parent is at ease with the fact that their child/teenager is out in open water; one young human being surrounded by millions of other human beings who are younger, the same age, or older than them. The article “Teenage social media butterflies may not be such a bad idea” takes a look at teenagers ' use of social media. Social media is a very important tool, allowing people to connect or continue their relationships without
Social media has captivated young and adult equally, but young kids are more vulnerable to the negative effects of social media. In the essay writing by Peggy Orenstein, she is troubled by the way young boys and girls are submerged in the cyberspace. She found that places like Facebook or twitter can affect the developing personality of young kids. These kids are more likely to suffer from bulling, to engage in a sexual relationship sooner and with an older person, be the victims of sexual assaults and be self-center. Without being aware of the power of social media, I started using social media since 1996; while I was going to college in the Dominican Republic. I used to go to the computer center during my free time and signed into a
In the article “Teenage Social Media Butterflies May Not Be Such a Bad Idea”, the author, Melissa Healy, writes about how parents should not be overly concerned about their children using social media websites. Also, the author touches base on how social media could be an exceptional thing. Social media should not be a concern for parents and should not be a dangerous thing. American children ages eight to eighteen are said to spend more than seven and a half hours using social media or the internet (Healy). However, psychologist say that the kids who spend most of their time using social media are psychologically the healthiest (Healy).
High school students are at a very dynamic stage of development in which whatever behaviours and habit developed during this phase will last them their lifetime their time spent on social media plays a crucial role in their life. Social media is a vivid service that enables direct interaction between individuals. High school students can post photos, information, chat and scroll in order to form a social identity of themselves (J.Healy,2015). This is why teens social lives are beyond important than their normal lives because it’s a place where teenagers can provide false information and form- however if social media can be used for educational purposes such as knowing the news around the world, posting a school survey, informing people about things, talking about homework or an assignment (Child Mind, 2014).
Social media has negative effects on adolescents who overuse it. It is important as parents or guardians to remember to monitor how much kids use social media and when they use it. As a parent or guardian, you must remember that the disorders kids can get from overusing social media is real. Also remember that the internet isn’t always the safest place for our children. The use of social media can be damaging and it has no benefit. Keep control of your children’s use on social media to avoid these negative effects. The internet does interfere with daily
The target population are children from the ages 6-12 yrs and teenagers 13-18 yrs. To be eligible the participants must impose the interest of social media. Both male and females are wanted to participate in the research.
Over the past decade, the use of technology has exploded. Through smart phones and applications we can access a new digital world of social media. For example, Facebook has over 750 million current users (Bosslet). Gwenn O'Keeffe and Kathleen Clarke-Pearson take a look at the eruption of technology use in their article, “The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families.” According to a recent poll, 22% of teenagers log on to their favorite social media site more than 10 times a day, and more than half of adolescents log on to a social media site more than once a day (Clarke-Pearson, O’Keefe). A highly debated topic among researchers is whether social media has more positive
Did you know social media can change you? Social media can cause problems with your health? In the article, “Student examines negative effects of social media on teens” by Aurelie Krakowsky and “The Upside of Selfies: Social media isn’t all that bad for kids” by Kelly Wallace talks about social media, but clearly it’s harmful to people. Social media is for people to enjoy on a daily basis and be updated on what is happening in the world; however it can be harmful to your health and even your education. It can lower kids self esteem and make them feel uncomfortable about themselves. It can also cause health issues and distant yourself from the people around you.
The connections between social media and anxiety as well as depression are not recent, but as more research is conducted, psychologists are finding that these unfavorable personality traits can instill hazardous behaviors in children that may pose a threat to the child or others in continuous contact. Self-destructive tendencies is a common symptom of general depression, but the wide reach of social media now allows a child to more easily threaten or involve other individuals who may not be aware of the child’s ruinous nature. When other individuals become involved in a depression or anxiety based situation, the health risk evolves from a mental illness to a personality disorder.
The evolution of social media has been a controversial issue over the years. Since its beginning, it has had a historical impact on everyday life by changing the way we talk and interact with one another. Social media represents both positive and adverse effects on society, but does one side tip the scale more than the other? Online social media surrounds almost everyone in the modern society, and its worldwide popularity has empowered all generations to be connected and actively participate in the sharing of ideas. Online social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, have dramatically changed and influenced the way the new generation is growing up as well. Likewise, these platforms contain a significant amount of information and functions that give all users from all aspects of life the ability to share material with others across the world at lightning speed. With all the great things social media offers, it also presents undesirable characteristics that seem to negatively influence people, and more specifically young children, to the point where many have ultimately rejected the idea of joining the online social community. Social media has also provided people, who intend to use the service only to do harm, the ability to reach victims across the world. Additionally, social media has exposed the young generation to internet bullying, violent and misconstrued news and mature content that is beyond their level of understanding. Another undesirable characteristic of
Firstly O'Keeffe, G.S. and Clarke-Pearson, K., (2011) state that “Using social media becomes a risk to adolescents more often than most adults realize. Most risks fall into the following categories: peer-to-peer; inappropriate content; lack of understanding of online privacy issues; and outside influences of third-party advertising groups” this shows that social media is being used as a negative way for children and younger audiences to share around inappropriate content and to be affected by other means, as said because they seem to have a lack of online privacy. O'Keeffe, G.S. and Clarke-Pearson, K. are saying that not only the children lack these flaws in social media but so do the parents. “more often than most adults realize.” (O'Keeffe, G.S. and Clarke-Pearson, K., 2011) this clearly states that even adults don’t realise the risks that come with social media. Not all aspects of social media have a negative impact on children, “Social networking can also help shy adolescents have a more non-threatening way to interact with peers because they aren’t interacting face-to-face” (Rosen, 2011). Rosen is telling us that social media actually helps young children: who are shy, communicate and develop with other children and new people all over the world: this could be friends and family.
Social media sites allow millions of people to interact with friends,family and anyone around the world. A large portion of social media users are teenagers; researchers and parents both believe that social media is having a multitude of possible effects on teenagers. This literature review will analyze research of the positive and negative effects social media are having on today’s impressionable youth. Much of the research focuses on the age range of 10-16 from well-to-do families and college students. Understanding the online environment that teenagers live in can help parents relate to their children and teach then about the dangers and benefits of being on the Internet.
Life at home is normally peaceful until my mother shouts “Switch of that television and do something more constructive”or“No phones at the table,”or“switch off that laptop and get some good night sleep.” My little brother is always watching cartoons on television or playing video games while I spend most of my time on the laptop or on my phone twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Instagram or on blogs, or Youtube or any other social media website having a portal for good entertainment and communication of trending events. My mother always says we shall spoil our eyes or become fat and lazy. She always goes on and on about how she used to play a lot of outdoor games as a child and how they are important for the growth and development of children.
UCLA did a study to explore an idea similar to this; the researchersthey wanted to investigate the impact social media has on the teenage brain. The researchers asked 32 teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18 to participate in a photo sharing platform like Instagram while they monitored their brain activity. The teens were exposed to 148 photographs for 12 minutes, 40 of which were submitted by the teenagers themselves, and were asked to choose pictures to “like.” These photos were preassigned a certain number of “likes” and categorized as either risky or neutral. Risky photos depicted alcohol, drugs, and teenagers wearing provocative clothing, while the neutral photos showed harmless scenes such as food or friends. They found that teens were more likely to “like” a photo, risky or neutral, if it had a higher number of previous likes. Another intriguing discovery of this study was the neurological effects “likes” on a photo can have on a teenager. If a participant saw their own photo had received a large number of likes “the same brain circuits
Children imitate what they see on videos as a way of learning. They then think that the world will always be like that and even though it is now. Matos reports that children who “Frequently [watch] violence on TV may . . . lead [them] to perceive reality as more violent.” Without parents monitoring what children watch and them seeing the same type of violent scenes, reinforces that this “aggressive behavior” as acceptable (76-77). Matos refers to this behavior as “mean-world syndrome,” which states that children have the ability to understand right from wrong from