In the beginning of the movie, Osmosis Jones, Frank, the zookeeper, eats an egg that was in a monkey’s mouth and get’s sick. To eat the egg, Frank used the digestive system. Once this happens, germs spread all throughout Frank’s body and Osmosis Jones was chasing the germs and trying to kill them. Osmosis Osmosis Jones is a white blood cell, so he is a disease fighting cell. Jones then tries to shoot the germ, but misses and hits a part of the nervous system. Once he did that, Frank got an unexpected pain in his leg. Soon after, Frank also got a sore throat, and took a pill for it. The germ that Jones missed, and all the other germs turned into a virus, Thrax and the pill is DRIX. Thrax is going through all the systems and ruining Frank’s body. …show more content…
They just think it’s a normal cold. While Jones and DRIX are going throughout the body trying to fix the cold, the road could symbolize the smooth and rough ER. As Frank’s body worsens, DRIX believes Jones about Thrax, so they go around and ask other germs if they know anything about Thrax. They find some information from a germ, and go and try to find Thrax. Throughout this time, they have been using endocytosis and exocytosis to travel in and out of places. Jones and DRIX find Thrax and Jones sneaks into a meeting and finds out information about Thrax’s plan. The place where Thrax needs to go to shut down the whole body is the hypothalamus. It contains the most important DNA and that is the place where you can shut down the whole body. Jones and Thrax races to the sheriff's place and then Jones pops a pimple on Frank’s head. Jones has been using active and passive transport to go in and out of places. Jones get fired for popping the pimple and the mayor tells DRIX that he is only temporary so he has to …show more content…
DRIX says that he can't help any more, but Jones encourages him, so he stays and they race to the brain. Thrax has already got to the brain and has ruined almost all of the systems in Frank’s body such as the circulatory, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems. Fran’s body temperature is very high, and once it reaches 108, he will die. He has gone through the memory chamber and saw all of Frank’s memories. Thrax uses his hand to rip the DNA apart form inside the nucleus of the hypothalamus. Frank is in the hospital, and the doctors are trying to cool him down. Jones and Drix reach Thrax, but he leaves(exocytosis) through the mouth, but Jones follows him so he can kill him. Inside Frank’s body ,all the cells are dying and the systems are shutting down. They both land inside Frank’s daughter’s eye. As Jones and Thrax fight, Thrax falls off Frank’s daughter’s eyelash, lands in alcohol, then disintegrates. Frank’s daughter is crying i the hospital room because she think her dad is dead. Jones go back into the body(endocytosis) by his daughter’s tear. The tears land on Frank’s body, and cools him down and he comes back to life. Jones gets his job back and he wants DRIX to stay and help him fight off any more disease. DRIX agrees to stay. Frank is healthy and gets to do outdoor activities with his daughter. Throughout the movie, the circulatory, digestive, nervous, and
Tess finds out that her sister isn't really her sister and is actually her mother. Tess finds the people that were involved in the murder of the justice and the one leading it all was a secret service agent. The climax of the story is when Tess finds out the person who was behind the murder of the justice. His name was Kotas and he did it to get a pardon for his son and killed the other people involved because they didn't stick up to the deal. After he got the pardon he gave himself up and was shot by one of the swat
One reason from the book is in chapter 2 page 13 it says the sickness began with chills, headache,and a painful aching in the back, arms, and legs. A high fever developed, accompanied by constipation. This means that when you get the symptoms then you know that you are getting sick.
If Michael’s mistake had been caught earlier, is there anything that could have been done to prevent the corn from dying?
In the start of chapter 1, Elizabeth goes over the effects that pox has on our bodies over time. The very first steps of this
The Osmosis and Diffusion lab was conducted to provide us with information on how built up mucus affects those conflicted by the recessive genetic disease, Cystic Fibrosis., due to a mutation to the membrane regulating chloride (Cl-). This mutation prevents the Cl- from leaving the cell causing the amount of sodium (Na+) in epithelial cells, which results in extreme mucus on the lungs and airways causing this disease to be fatal if not treated but treatment does not equate to a long lifetime. During the lab we took the data from three parts: Diffusion, Osmosis in an Elodea Cell, and finally the Role of Osmosis in Cystic Fibrosis. During Part 1 we looked at diffusion across a semipermeable membrane for starch and glucose, which resulted in both having a negative solution when placed in a semipermeable membrane. Then we looked at osmosis in the Elodea Cell to watch for the occurrence of Plasmolysis, when a cell’s plasma membrane pulls away from the cell, and how a plant cell is affected by both hypertonic and hypotonic solutions. Finally, we observed the role of Osmosis in Cystic Fibrosis using dialysis bags to represent a normal cell and a Cystic Fibrosis cell with the normal containing 1% NaCl while the Cystic Fibrosis bag contained 10% NaCl. After we ran the experiment, we looked at the Percent Change in Mass and compared them after 30 minutes. We found that Cystic Fibrosis cells didn’t change mass as much as the normal cell ending with a change in mass over -1%. The
Frank looks past surviving the initial hit addressing the survival after the damage has been done. With isolation comes desperation making valuable items, such as silver or gasoline, become items of barter to get necessities for ones survival. Randy and his fellow guests are fortunate enough to have a doctor living with them as it benefits them in two ways. The first benefit they get from
The punishment for bad behavior in correctional institutions usually is that of solitary confinement, forcing the individual to not having any interactions between his peers. Although not causing any physical trauma to the inmate, the act of isolating them from everyone and everything proves to be the most feared method of punishment. A primarily social species, humans crave the interaction between themselves and others, relying on them for not only comfort and validation, but also to escape the fear that can be created from ones own mind. The film Pontypool uses such an idea, isolation the protagonists from direct knowledge of ongoings that threaten the world around them, depriving them of any sense of security and creating a far darker reality mentally than what could theoretically exist.
The scientists discover that the disease kills through coagulation or clotting of the blood, but it could also cause insanity due to the blood in the brain clotting. The newborn and the old man survived because their blood was more acidic than the rest of the town. When one of the scientists on the team is exposed to the disease they realize that at that point the disease had mutated and became harmless.
She was on top of the world when her month of madness started with two mysterious bedbug bites. Obsessed with the idea that her apartment was infested with insects, Cahalan had an exterminator sweep through her apartment. Despite being told that there was no infestation, Cahalan’s paranoia continued. Eventually, her left arm started to feel numb; the feeling soon traveled. Originally, she thought these symptoms mirrored influenza but this was before she developed seizures. Along with the seizures came increased paranoia, irritability, and insomnia. Concerned for her health, Cahalan’s mom and dad took her to the New York University Langone Medical Center in an attempt at getting her seen by a doctor after another labeled her condition as “alcohol withdrawl”. While walking to a coffee cart, Cahalan had a seizure, insuring her acceptance into the center’s epilepsy
“Don’t tell me you’re getting sick too.” Daniel Rankin said to his friend, classmate, and ex-girlfriend Zoe Amba as she coughed while loading her bag into his brother’s truck. It was an oddly empty day at school that day, as most of the kids were sick; their numbers dwindled each minute as another student would enter the health office where Daniel’s brother was helping out.
In the short story, Fever Dream, Bradbury creates an image of a sterile environment through words such as “fresh, clean, laundered” and “newly squeezed”, Bradbury also describes the ability to hear subtle sounds such as “the toilet gargling”, “rain tap the roof” and “sly mice run”. These images portray a healthy, pure atmosphere that reflects the boy and presents that his “sickness wasn’t too bad” and foreshadows a sickness that will come. Bradbury presents the young
After that a hand pops out of the sheet attempting to nail the floor in extreme anxiety, attempting to latch on the floor with prematurely grown fingernails. The second hand creeps out equally doing the same both arms fumbling about due to the slimy fluid from inside the corpse. Upon slipping the mystifying figure collapses on the side of his face and cries out in pain, “What has happened to me!” He screams. Instantly Mrs. Samsa recognizes that tone as her own, it is her son. With all fear abolished from her body she runs to help him and attempts to relieve him from his pain, both forces work chaotically against each other. Once up Gregor takes hold of the sheet in which he perished in, and with it conceals his privates. The two women stare in astonishment at one’s son and the other’s brother.
Osmosis is a special type of diffusion. It is the diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane which is a membrane that is freely permeable to water but is not freely permeable to solutes, the water moves from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution (Karp, 2010). Both diffusion and osmosis are passive transport, energy is not used in the transport. In osmosis water moves across a membrane toward the solution of greater concentration, because the concentration of water is lower there (Martini and Bartholomew., 2007).
Frank needs something to protect. Cee, his dearly loved sister, take up this role for most of the novel. Concurrently, Frank satisfies his troubled need to care for someone and loves his sister. Willingly, Frank admits, “I’ve had only two regular women. I liked the small breakable thing inside each one. Wherever their personality, smarts, or looks, something soft lay in each…A little V…that I could break with a forefinger if I wanted to. But never did” (67-68), Frank expresses his obsession with weakness. Frank denotes this weakness as a small child to whom he is the parent. He handles it cautiously, cares for it, and provides a home for it. He needs it to feel needed, which happens to be a reoccurring theme throughout the novel. “When…I caught my reflection in a store window, I thought it was somebody else. Some dirty pitiful-looking guy…Right then, I decided to clean up” (69). In this moment, Frank’s search of his relationship with Lily begins from a forceful self-hatred that has presented itself since his deployment to Korea. After his relationship with Lily fades and
Dr. Stockmann comes out of his room waving the letter, and proclaiming that the news will definitely have tongues wagging around town. All of the guests anxiously sit up to hear this long awaited news. Dr. Stockmann explains that his recent observation of patients getting sick with typhoid and gastric fevers made him curious, so he took samples of the water and sent them out to be tested. He held the results in his hand; results that proved the water to be contaminated and poisoned. The doctor had also discovered that the source of