
Three Different Citing Styles

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Q: What are the three different citing styles one uses when citing an essay paper, and how to they differ from one another? What consequences could one possibly face if a citation is not properly cited? Why is it so important to use correct citation and proper grammar when writing an essay paper?

While there are many different reasons why writers choose to use certain writing techniques, some of the common forms are the usage of quotations, paraphrasing, and mostly summarizing. Let’s begin with the three differences of each one, and the purpose why so many people use them to incorporate each one into their writing styles. “ One of the most popular and common one is quotations, this is when you quote exactly what you just read by using word for word translation” ( This means you copy the text the way it was originally written, without any changes what so ever to the original. You’ll then complete it by giving the author credit where credit is due, by putting it in quotation brackets’. “Another reason people may choose to quote is to emphasize a key point, or to bring your attention to an important concept” ( Another way is to simply show your readers that the …show more content…

Breaking things down step by step in words of your own. While sharing the key topics to which was mentioned, and giving insight to how you feel. You are actually pointing out the main ideas in the passage, and introducing them to the audience by using a different approach. But still giving the original author recognition for their work, as you quote examples to which are imperative to the writer’s actual intentions and views. As you can see there is a slight similarity to each of the above citations, however, each one requires detailed instruction, and proper citing for it not to be considered

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