Q: What are the three different citing styles one uses when citing an essay paper, and how to they differ from one another? What consequences could one possibly face if a citation is not properly cited? Why is it so important to use correct citation and proper grammar when writing an essay paper?
While there are many different reasons why writers choose to use certain writing techniques, some of the common forms are the usage of quotations, paraphrasing, and mostly summarizing. Let’s begin with the three differences of each one, and the purpose why so many people use them to incorporate each one into their writing styles. “ One of the most popular and common one is quotations, this is when you quote exactly what you just read by using word for word translation” (www.mesaaz.com). This means you copy the text the way it was originally written, without any changes what so ever to the original. You’ll then complete it by giving the author credit where credit is due, by putting it in quotation brackets’. “Another reason people may choose to quote is to emphasize a key point, or to bring your attention to an important concept” (www.mesaaz.com). Another way is to simply show your readers that the
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Breaking things down step by step in words of your own. While sharing the key topics to which was mentioned, and giving insight to how you feel. You are actually pointing out the main ideas in the passage, and introducing them to the audience by using a different approach. But still giving the original author recognition for their work, as you quote examples to which are imperative to the writer’s actual intentions and views. As you can see there is a slight similarity to each of the above citations, however, each one requires detailed instruction, and proper citing for it not to be considered
Each is used in essays depending on the source, level of knowledge used compared to the authors and readers, and the phrasing of the source. Quotes are needed when it's "said so well that it's worth repeating", too complex to briefly state clearly, establishing creditability, what is being analyzed by the writer, and differing views for the writer. Paraphrasing is used to bring out important details and to simplify for clarity. Summarizing is the basic opposite of paraphrasing, focusing on main idea rather than the details. After page 389 it goes into detail, providing examples, and clarifying
According to Graff and Birkenstein, some of the most common mistakes made when quoting an another author include not quote enough or at all, over quoting, and lastly thinking that there is no need to explain the meaning of chosen quote. They
Using couple quotes from our reading added about one paragraph to our essay, but all the quotes were stuck in one paragraph instead of having them all scattered throughout our writing. That was not the only problem with the quotes, we didn’t explain the quotes after we wrote them. One good quote we used talks
As an international student myself, paraphrasing is one of the aspects that turns writing into a nightmare for me. Since my vocabulary is somewhat reduced, I have to focus more on making my sentences look as different as possible to the original texts. I was so scared of committing plagiarism that I did not even consider the aspect of using the author’s ideas and creating my own opinions. Instead I preferred to follow the norm and paraphrase as much as possible. Sometimes I felt my professors paid much more attention to what I might have plagiarized rather than the quality of my own ideas. That is why writing turned into a systematic process in which I would only have to know how to rephrase sentences and I would be fine. In the moment I read Porter’s essay I thought it was contradictory to all
First, I learned how to write a research paper. As we were taking notes, we decided which will be the best way to keep the information in a particular source by creating direct quotes, paraphrase, or summary. I learned I had to use a variety of the three in our research
We have learned about exploratory essays and I chose the topic “Why can’t the drinking age be 18 instead of 21”? We had to research our topic and create a bibliography based upon the sources that we found that would help us in our argumentative essay. Citation was something you use frequently making sure you site when use a direct sentences or quote from any source. It’s also important because you want to make sure you don’t plagiarize and risk failing the class. I learned about the style of my paper which my Professor requested MLA format, 12 font and Times Roman.
Hi Crystal , I have the same problem with paraphrase. I will try to summarize a source material to explain a point of view. I unaccidently ended up paraphrase a paragragh out of the text book. Which cause me mess up my references and in text citations. That’s why I try to use proper essay structure, free writing and writing down points to make sure is my APA style correct (Chamber,n.d; Ridley,n.d)
The second part of the book “Writing Today” discussed the importance of writing summaries, as well as how to go about writing them. Johnson-Sheehan, Paine, Shaw, and Stouck, begin by explaining that a summary’s main purpose is to emphasize an ideas main topic by first carefully analysing it. It is important to know the approximate length a summary should be before commencing the writing process in order to know how much detail the summary requires. A summary, although condensed, must accurately explain the original text. If not, it might cause misunderstandings as well as “distortions” of the material. Summaries must also be original and should primarily be written in writer’s own words, which would also their own ideas and thoughts to be present
The art of quoting and summarizing an argument is one of the main skills to acquire when it comes to writing a successful piece of work. In the book, They Say I Say the art of inserting quotations is mentioned to be one of the highest mistakes made by writers. Many insert a quote that has no frame of introduction or background information which is considered a “hit and run quote.” Readers need to be able to comprehend not only the writings, but the background information and quotes from another author writing in order to have the whole work cohesive. Dire necessity for the writer is to go back to the initial text and truly understand the background from which they are quoting to make sure their audience understands the quote and why
During this research paper, I learned how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote different information in multiple articles. Summarizing and paraphrasing are different, but they are usually grouped together. Paraphrasing requires the information to be cited while summarizing gives an overview of the entire article. Quoting from an article can be very difficult. Citations are required in an essay in order to avoid copy. I learned that the important to choosing quotes from an article is to choose the sentences that put the most importance argument that you are trying to prove to the audience. I learned that with every quote, the author’s name must be added in parentheses before the period. Through this semester, I use all three elements: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quotations. My body paragraphs have become more confident and
By putting the information from your research into your own words, you can show that you have a deeper knowledge of the material. Furthermore, papers overloaded with quotations may distract your instructor from your own ideas and writing. Use a quotation from a source only when there is absolutely no better way to present the information. A well-written paper balances quotations and paraphrases with your own interpretation of the research.
In English 111, the citation style taught to students is the MLA format, whereas in Humanities courses a student will use APA formatting style for papers. This was difficult for me to remember the differences between the two styles. I became so accustomed to implying the MLA citation skills on papers that when I needed to turn in a paper for my Humanities I had to focus and be aware of the APA formatting styles and not employee the MLA
Writing strategies are an important part of a good essay. There are eight different writing strategies which include MLA format, typed, 5-7 sentences in each paragraph, each sentence starts with a different word, no dead words, have different sentence lengths, use transitions and use standard punctuation. The MLA format includes, 12 point font, double spaced, proper MLA header, the title of the essay has to be centered, 1 inch margins, numbered pages, documentation, and a works cited at the end of the essay. Documentation is where you got the information from such as websites,
In high school I got the opportunity to be involved in honors and AP English classes. Throughout those classes I was able to learn how to annotate, format (is key to writing a good essay), proper citations, personal words should not be added such as “I”, “we”, “us” “our”. To annotate was to skim over and just write what you understand about the text in the margin. If you could have the format of the “beginning, middle, and end” then writing a two page/1,000 word minimum did not apply to grading. In writing a good essay, proper citations were a big chunk of writing an essay. Though, I never learned how to properly cite in the time given to learn it because I was not as advanced as other students. When writing an essay we were also never allowed to use personal words because that meant it would take away from the meaning and credibility of your essay. In my opinion writing in high school
The quotation’s in this essay were very impressive and supported the arguments nicely. However, the citations were somewhat incorrect in terms of the end notes and work cited. In paragraph