
Three Interpersonal Communication Theories

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The theory Face Over Flesh states: people have a greater chance of making friends ships over a computer-mediated system. There has been studies on this exact topic that are coming to the conclusion that people are evolving to be able process information about someone quicker through the means of scrolling through a social media account. The three communication theories that I used to collectively cultivate this theory. I used Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Social Penetration Theory, and Information Processing Theory as a guide to build the guild lines of this theory. The first step is to defined the three theories and explain what they do. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory asserts that people have a need to reduce uncertainty about others by gaining information about them. Information gained can then be used to predict the others' behavior. Reducing uncertainty is particularly important in relationship development, so it is typical to find more uncertainty reduction behavior among people when they expect or want to develop a relationship than among people who expect or know they will not develop a relationship. Consider how you try to reduce uncertainty about someone you have just met and want to spend more time with. Now consider how you try to reduce uncertainty about people you meet on an elevator.
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The Social Information Processing (SIP) Theory of CMC (Walther, 1992) has turned into a broadly utilized system for clarifying and foreseeing contrasts between content based CMC and offline communication, and recent work has attempted to grow its view to incorporate more current, multimedia types of online communication. The theory looks to clarify how, with time, CMC members can accumulate impressions of and relations with others on the web, and these relations accomplish the level of advancement that is normal through offline

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