Simpson 2 The Constitution has three major functions. The first function is that it creates the national government, which includes the checks and balances it balances out the three branches of government to make sure one does not overpower the other, those three branches include; the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch. The second function of the constitution is to divide the power between the federal and the state government making sure each side gets to have a say but to also be sure one does not overpower the other. The last function of the constitution is that it protects the individual rights of American citizens. The government is divided into three branches, the executive branch is the branch that is invested in the …show more content…
The fight for being able to have same sex marriages has finally been passed in some states, but did you know that now a special interest that comes up is plural marriage, which is being able to marry more than one person. “With about three-fourths of the states finally legally recognizing marriage between two men or two women, it is about time to contemplate the constitutional implications of requiring states to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Anyone who endorses the view that government may not limit marriage to opposite-sex couples, either on substantive due process or equal protection grounds, must be curious about whether states may continue to prevent even fully informed, consenting adults from marrying more than one person at the same time” (Den Otter 1979). If gay marriage could get passed in states the people are fighting that plural marriage should have the same rights as gay marriage. American Choral Directors is a contemporary Constitutional reform group that has been around for over 50 years. The mission of the American Choral Directors is to “inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition and advocacy”(American Choral Directors Association). The American Choral Directors Association has Article 1 through Article 20 discussing the purpose, the membership, all the way to how they appoint national officers. …show more content…
The American Choral Directors Association is a nonprofit organization that helps with education through the use of music, they teach choral music in public and private school at the college and university levels. This association is helping all ages and even communities with getting knowledge at a college level, college classes can be very expensive for some people and this group is not charging for it. It depends on what people defined to be the problem with the Texas constitution to have another Constitutional Convention, but no state can change its constitution without it being ratified by the other states. Even if you got a lot of Texas voters to have another constitutional convention you can't do anything too dramatic to the constitution. It is necessary to have another constitutional convection to address the problems with the Constitution now before it ends up like the US Constitution and be amended so many times, people should be able to voice what they think should be changed so we don’t end up with a long list of demands rather than actual laws that we need to
If you decide to become one you must go through an application and list why you think you should be an officer. After all applications are reviewed the teacher will pick the eight best students for the roles. From then the other members will get to vote from the eight picked on which office they will go to for the school year. Your role as a Chapter officer is to lead your FFA association at school. To gain these leadership skills you must attend the proper workshops at the State Conventions in the summer before you start as an officer. Also, to be a part of the officer team you must have participated in a CDE event. CDE stands for Career Development Event. CDE events are designed to help prepare FFA members for careers in agriculture. Even if you are not going into a career in agriculture it’s a fun set of competitions to participate in. The officer team is also the team that puts together all events such as meetings and banquets. At the end of the year each officer will get a pin with the office they held that year to stick on their jackets serving as a completion to the officer
I am the Treasurer of the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) council at Lawrence Park, having earned this leadership role after being involved in DECA over the past two years. As Treasurer, I act as an information and reference point for the DECA Council and other
A Constitution serves to establish a government, and act as a guide and a reference. It encapsulates the ideals of a citizenry, and delegates powers to a central government. Federal and state governments utilize distinct Constitutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges of governing at the national and local levels.
-The two primary functions of the U.S. Constitution is as followed below. The first major function of the U.S. Constitution is to establish an organizational structure that allocates governmental powers. While, the second major function of the U.S. Constitution is to protect individual’s rights from governmental overreaching.
Federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances and the bill of rights are the four main elements that the constitution is made up of. All four of these elements are what made the constitution strong, lasting over two hundred years. Three separate branches were created that had their own specific powers. The government was then given the power to tax and enforce its laws. The structure of how this one document has governed is what makes the constitution unique. The U.S. constitution established Americas national government and fundamental laws. The constitution guaranteed certain basic rights for the citizens that were unheard of at the time. The constitution established the structure of the federal system and distribution of power between state governments. Citizens that live within the borders of the united states had their own protection of rights. Although the constitution can be flawed in some ways, the document is what had created a great nation; however, the constitution created Americas national government and laws, guaranteed rights for the citizens and continues to represent those living today which makes the constitution unique.
Earl Haig Music Council - The position I currently hold is Treasurer. I have been apart of this council for two years. I am responsible for overseeing the sweater orders, fundraisers, ticket sales and concessions. In addition, I lead the Fundraising Committee, and help run music events and concerts taken place at school by delegating tasks to volunteers.
I love being a part of MYC because our conductors focus on learning, not just performing. The conductors choose many different pieces, from a victory chant from the year 1450 to 2014, and from French to Old English. The conductors help us learn, not just how to sing well, but also help us build confidence. If we are singing a piece in another language, we learn what the lyrics mean and how to pronounce
The main purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to provide the basic rights of all citizens and provide direction how the government should work.The Constitution also provides the structure for law. and it has three branches; federal judiciary branch, legislative branch and executive branch.
Something that I would like to do more of next year and take charge of as an officer is to advertise choir more to any current or future student of Vandegrift. I want to get people interested in being a part of choir, and I want people
American music teachers need to understand and meet the needs of their Latino/a students, and Palkki (2015) researches approaches that would aid music educators, specifically high school choir directors, in reaching and serving this population in his article “If it fits into their Culture, then they will have a Connection: experiences of two Latina students in a select high school choir.” Palkki (2015) presents a qualitative case study regarding two Latina students in which Palkki (2015) seeks to learn about their choral experiences and thereby discover avenues to improve choral teaching methods. A literature review is presented and after this the case study of these two students was explained
A band director may direct an orchestra or concert band, but is usually not the head of the academic music department. You have to find arrangements for the band and help the students learn to play an instrument., This paper will discuss band direction and music performance; what you need to learn, degrees needed, qualifications, and employment.
the founding document of our nation’s laws and government. Within its texts, the Constitution outlines the operations and existence of all three branches of government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, as well as their functions and interdependence. The constitution also includes the Bill of Rights, and all other amendments that serve as a basis for any law created in our country at either the federal or state level. While semi-extensive, the main rights we share are those from the bill of rights, which
Social standards and beliefs has always been a weakness of humanity. It all differ, depending on the country or cultural background that they were brought up in. In Funny Boy, Arjie faces a lot of complications living up to his father’s standards and beliefs. During his time growing up, his father have always deemed him to be “funny” or peculiar. This created an invisible gap between them that Arjie could not seem to grasp.
The US Constitution divides the federal government into three branches - legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch, consisting of the House of Representative and the Senate, make laws,
Despite the fact that definition and nature of conventions is uncertain it is obvious that they have a significant role as part of UK constitution. To understand how conventions are sufficient as a sources of the constitution it is necessary to discuss their nature first, then continue with analysis on how they operate from a wider prospective and finally, emphasize their strengths and weaknesses.