
Three Major Functions Of The Constitution

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Simpson 2 The Constitution has three major functions. The first function is that it creates the national government, which includes the checks and balances it balances out the three branches of government to make sure one does not overpower the other, those three branches include; the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch. The second function of the constitution is to divide the power between the federal and the state government making sure each side gets to have a say but to also be sure one does not overpower the other. The last function of the constitution is that it protects the individual rights of American citizens. The government is divided into three branches, the executive branch is the branch that is invested in the …show more content…

The fight for being able to have same sex marriages has finally been passed in some states, but did you know that now a special interest that comes up is plural marriage, which is being able to marry more than one person. “With about three-fourths of the states finally legally recognizing marriage between two men or two women, it is about time to contemplate the constitutional implications of requiring states to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Anyone who endorses the view that government may not limit marriage to opposite-sex couples, either on substantive due process or equal protection grounds, must be curious about whether states may continue to prevent even fully informed, consenting adults from marrying more than one person at the same time” (Den Otter 1979). If gay marriage could get passed in states the people are fighting that plural marriage should have the same rights as gay marriage. American Choral Directors is a contemporary Constitutional reform group that has been around for over 50 years. The mission of the American Choral Directors is to “inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition and advocacy”(American Choral Directors Association). The American Choral Directors Association has Article 1 through Article 20 discussing the purpose, the membership, all the way to how they appoint national officers. …show more content…

The American Choral Directors Association is a nonprofit organization that helps with education through the use of music, they teach choral music in public and private school at the college and university levels. This association is helping all ages and even communities with getting knowledge at a college level, college classes can be very expensive for some people and this group is not charging for it. It depends on what people defined to be the problem with the Texas constitution to have another Constitutional Convention, but no state can change its constitution without it being ratified by the other states. Even if you got a lot of Texas voters to have another constitutional convention you can't do anything too dramatic to the constitution. It is necessary to have another constitutional convection to address the problems with the Constitution now before it ends up like the US Constitution and be amended so many times, people should be able to voice what they think should be changed so we don’t end up with a long list of demands rather than actual laws that we need to

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