
Three Technological Changes To Photography In The Last 200 Years

Satisfactory Essays


What have been three technological changes to photography in the last 200 years?

1. Color Photography, known as the first durable color photograph taken by Thomas Sutton, but James Clerk Maxwell did the real work. James Clerk Maxwell was a mathematical physicist, he worked out everything to take this photograph of The Tartan Ribbon, Thomas simply pressed the shutter button.

2. The Polaroid, the first ‘real’ camera ever made, (meaning you didn’t need a long exposure time, as well as didn’t have to develop the photo in a dark room.) The first Polaroid was the model 95 Land Camera, made in 1948, by Edwin Land.

3. The Digital Camera, Created by an engineer Steve Sasson in December of …show more content…

Why or why not?

Yes, why? the quality of photographs now is so much better, not only pictures now feel like you’re capturing life; it’s also like you’re standing in the photo. Even the colors pop more. Before colors looked ‘dull’ they didn’t pop as much. I think old photography is very interesting, it has a very...Let’s say rustic look.

How can the changes in technology inspire your practice of photography?

Before photography was very hard to create; now we can easily take a picture with the click of a button, we also don’t even need to develop photos. We can simply capture a photo and upload it to our computer.


How do you use technology to improve your art, such as photographs

Many famous photographers use editing software, most people use Photoshop; editing software help us make our photographs better, we can crop, brighten, auto-fix, add filters and so many other things. You can focus, and blur. Things you might not consider while taking the photograph.

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