Three years old and going through what I went through isn’t the ideal childhood everyone wishes for. When I was just three years old my family fell apart. Being so young it is very hard to understand what is really happening, you don’t see the “bigger picture” of things. All you see if what is happening in the moment. My mom and dad became divorced when I was just three years old. I never really knew what that meant but I could tell it wasn’t something to be happy about. I look back when I was younger and I realized how even when all of this was happening my mom was never unsuccessful to take care of me and make me the happiest little girl. The hardest times were leaving my mom’s place and having to stay were my dad was staying. I always hated leaving my mom, it killed her as much as it hurt us. When I was getting dropped off at my dad’s place I knew it was going to be hell. My dad would be staying with his parents, the house was in an especially bad area which meant we could never go outside and play. We were always up in a tiny bedroom that my sister, dad, and I would share. He didn’t have a job so we could never go out to …show more content…
My mom always made sure my sister and I were okay even if she was going through all this on her own. During this time my mom met my step dad who I think of as my “real” dad. He was there for my mom through this dreadfully difficult time. He has always been more of a father figure to me then my blood dad was. He always made sure if we needed anything he would be there. They were together for about 2 years and then when I turned five they got married. I haven't seen my mom upset since. He has two kids of his own, my step sister Erin and my step brother Jason. While making sure they are okay, and making sure they had everything they need he is also doing the same with my sister and
My story isn't quite special really, although I have lived under some unique circumstances. My mother was a single parent raising my little sister and I until she married my Stepdad in 2007. I was five at the time and had no father figure until then. From that time on he became my dad. Our new family moved twice before living in a small city where we stayed for 6 years. This is where I made close friends, achieved academic excellence, went to church regularly, life was great or so I thought. What seemed to be our perfect life was turned upside down as hard times fell upon us. I was now the oldest of five younger siblings, my mom wasn't healthy, and my dad had to struggle to keep things going.
Most of my early life was rough. We moved a lot, and my parents fought and got a divorce, and my sister and I were always pushed and pulled from one parent to the next. After the divorce and even some before, my father was
As a kid I only got to see my dad on the weekends and those were the best days I had, I never understood why I couldn't live with my father full time because my mom never lived a stable life. My mother wasn’t as bad as it seems, she always made sure we had food and somewhere to stay even if it wasn't the greatest, even living with my mom my dad still paid for almost everything I had. When I was about 8 years old I lived in Mccomb and it was my dads weekend and I was so excited to get off of school and go see him, When I got home I was shocked to find everything packed up and my mom told me to get in the car, I was so upset to find out that me, my two brother, and her and her boyfriend were off to Florida. The whole trip to Florida I balled my eyes out and all I remember was that I kept saying that I wanted to live with my dad and that I hated my mom, I wondered how she could just up and leave without telling my
During the year of 2014, my mom decided to move to Houston Texas. Before even graduating High school I was living the life of an adult, when my mom moved to Texas she decided to give me the responsibilities to stay with my two little sister for about two months. After the two months of stress having to come to school and taking care of my sisters I felt overwhelm and consumed. My Mom then decided to take my two sisters to Houston to live with her, now I am on my own. No words can describe how I being feeling this years, suffering from depression, humiliation, sadness and loneliness. Without my mom support who has completely giving me her back is even more painful. After all that obstacles during my last two years I have learned that is
My Mom wanted to be there but she had no choice. She at the time left a three year old and I at the time was ten years old so I had to step up and take care him. My Dad would always be at work at times my older Sister would also help but ever since then I just felt like a Mom. Growing up it was just me and my little Brother. I missed out a lot as a kid because I had a big responsibility in my hands. When I got out of Elementary I was barely going to school. My grades were bad, my attendance even worse, and it was all because I didn’t care anymore. Being in school, I was always either late, skipping
But my aunt stepped up and helped and took the ‘’mother’’ role which helped out alot and made things better. Eventually we started to call her mom and looked at her as our mother since our mom was not there. A few years went passed and I was 13 years old. I get a phone call from a random number and when I answered it I was shocked because it was my mom on the other end of the phone. She broke the news that her sister died and she was catching a flight back here to attend the funeral and she wanted to see me and my brother. Me and my brother both agreed to spend time with her once she got off her flight and got to my grandmother’s house. Once she got home she had good news for me and my brother and that news was that she was staying home and she was not going back to
Where do you want to be a year from now? How many times have you heard that question? How many times have you dreamed of the life you'll be living just 12 short months from now? We will not be in a different place one year from now if we don't do something different then we have always done. Looking ahead one year, 365 days, and seeing yourself in a different, better, happier, life should be our constant target. But, where were you 365 days ago? One year ago today where were you in your life? I am willing to go out on a limb here and say your life was virtually the same as it is today. You're not wanting, not liking, not happy with the life you live today and it being virtually unchanged from one year ago means that, like the rest of us, you've settled into a rut.
I was born very early and had teenage parents who did not really have their life together at that time. My parents were both high school dropouts. My dad dropped out because school was not for him and he just wanted to work and get money and my mom dropped out because school was not for her also and she was pregnant with me and did not want to deal with school. My dad worked everyday to keep our family moving and my mom just stayed at my grandmas house with me because obviously she had to take care of me. So we were living by paycheck to paycheck. One year later my sister was born and two years later after that my other sister was born. Since my parents really did not have that much money to get our own place we would live at my grandmas house to my papa’s house but at times we would have to camp out at the beach because we had no other choice. When we would live at the beach I would think that we were just camping for fun but I did not realize that we did not have any place to stay. My parents clothed me and my sisters, provided food for us, but we did not have a house over our head. So
Unexpectedly, my father called and with an unsteady voice explained, “I had to take your mother to the emergency room, and she is now being admitted to the hospital.” At age 13, this phone call began the most dreadful time of my life. Prior to this event, I was exceedingly dependent on my parents and even struggled with separating from them. In the beginning of my mother’s hospital stay, my familymy parents and two, younger sisters were constantly divided. My father stayed in the hospital with my mother, while my sisters and I would switch between caring family members and friends. Eventually I grew tired of different environments and decided that staying home alone was the far better option. As a result, I appreciate independence and know how to solely maintain a home.
Lent signifies the beginning of spring...after all, the name itself is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word; Lencten, meaning Springtime. It's the time of year that many of us look forward to all winter long. A time where the flowers bloom and the birds begin their yearly song and dance. This is a time of new beginnings, a time where we purge what we no longer want or need, ridding ourselves and our homes of the stagnant, either physically or energetically. During this time of the year we start fresh, looking forward to the bright and sunny days ahead...
Then after that, all I wanted was their acceptance and I did everything I could to get that. When I was 18 I joined the army, I’ve never seen my Dad so proud of me, he even told me he loved me, which I haven’t heard since I was really little. Finally, acceptance.
Aging is a sign of how much someone has grown. Morrie is expressing how fearless he is as he gets older live life day by day and have fun experiences because after all as you get older you're still learning. However I myself fear to grow old only because I don't want to die, I don't want to forget, but at the same time as the year grows it only gets worse the people, economy, animals. I'm scared to get older only to face the fact that I have kids I'm always going to fear that do I really want to bring them into this type of society of hate because your gender, color, beliefs, or preferences? However you do want kids right? Because motherhood is a beautiful feeling, a babies first cry is tears of joy to your ears for the first time but like
In school, I’ve always been older than the rest of my classmates. Most would think it doesn’t matter how old you are but it does matter. Things are different for me, in many different ways. My birthday is in May which is an awkward part of the year. My parents could have either had my go to the class above me and be younger, or they could hold me back and have me be the oldest. They didn’t want me to be the baby of the class so that is why they choose to hold me back in preschool. Since I am one of the oldest in my class, life is different between me and my classmates. It affects my life every day in many ways being older than them.
My mom helps me with everything. School, pays for my cell phone and car because I go to school. She sets up my doctors’ appointments. She tells me what I do and don’t need. She helps me define myself as a women so I can have kids one day, be a great mother like she is, raise a family, have a nice home, get a job. She helps me with all of these things along with two others, my older brother and my younger sister. My older brother had a full ride to go play football at a college and instead of taking the ACT he went and partied it up the night before and lost his chance of playing. He just had a baby and was living with my parents not too long ago and he’s 22. My mom does her very best everyday to help us all out. She doesn’t have to worry very hard with my sister. She’s a sophomore in college and has never made a B in her life. She’s already getting letters from big schools to go there. My mom is very proud of her as I am too. I’ve put my mom through so much along with my brother. For example, it’s my third semester in college and I’m at my third school. I just wasn’t built with my sister’s brains. I’m here, in college, for my mom. She always says, “Please go do big things. Don’t quit like your father and I did when it came to
I began to help my mom around the house. I had to learn how to cook a proper meal when I was seven years old, do laundry among other things to give my mom some relief. One day, when I was nine years old, my grandmother shared the news of my father’s departure to the U.S and that he did so to give me a better chance. It was heavy news for me, and as an emotional child I cried with my grandma and felt sad that from now on I was not going to get the occasional visit from him. As a teenager in the process of growing into a man, you think you need a father figure, a man perspective, advice on things that life throw at you, it was clear that I didn’t have that anymore. I was fortunate to have my mother and my grandmother to teach me right and wrong; the rest was pretty much up to me.