Observer and Thrill Seeker; I was initially really surprised! How could this test be so accurate? I have always known that I have been more of a "go with your gut" verses a "think about it wisely" person. I love to help people, but the flaw in my behavior is that I want to help people very quickly. If one of my friends is crying I start crying too. Then, after we are somewhat done crying I try and find a solution to the problem. I hate seeing people in distress. When I see a look of sadness or anxiety my heart tightens and I feel for whomever I am looking at. Knowing that the person feels even just a little bit out of sorts makes me feel distressed for him or her. I discovered through this test that I need to be more patient. Sometimes the best decisions are the well thought out ones! Not only does thinking about solutions to problematic situations help, but being well prepared for different angles can be the true winner. I recently walked in on one of my best friends who tried to kill herself. I was well prepared to call 911, and to contact her parents. But I was not prepared at how to help her during the 3 minutes it took for law enforcement to arrive. I figured that because I was not trained I might hurt …show more content…
I believe, and this test proved that, that the world could change if we invested our hearts into people; if we truly saw ones heart instead of ones outward appearance. What could this world change if we, instead of judging, were loving? If we worked together instead of trying to out do one another, what would be different? This test showed me that I need to not be afraid of failure. Because failure simply means I received a different result. Failure does not mean give up, it means keep searching, keep trying, and never lose hope. If everyone realized their strengths and weaknesses, and combined together as one force, we would finally have the ability to change the world, one step, in harmony, at a
The two self-assessments were not so much informative as they were a continued validation of a few things that I already knew about myself. Truthfully, I am not one to give credit to the of use self-assessments as a guideline to how I should act or what I should do in life. I am definitely an Extrovert as the Jungian Typology assessment proved, but there are days that I lean towards being an introvert just to survive and decompress. I work as a librarian in a middle school and sometimes, I need to shut myself off and find quiet, self-centralized moments to think and assess my days. With that said, I am surprised that the assessment categorized me as judging instead of perceptive. Sensing and feeling have always been a strong point for
Did the court in Roark say that Bibles can never be distributed on school grounds at any time? If not, under what circumstances do you think they could be distributed?
Zig Ziglar once said, “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” In more than one way Ziglar was correct in saying this, a positive attitude is better than a negative one, especially when it comes to conflict. Anne Frank and Mrs.Breed both show how a positive attitude towards a problem would help more than a negative one. In my experience, negative thinking results in more conflict, which means, positive thinking results with a solution, most of the time. This leads me to believe, a positive attitude is the best response to conflict.
The gut microbiome supplies the human host with metabolic capabilities beyond those encoded by its own genome (Khan et al., 2014). Because host metabolism is effectively regulated by the amalgamation of host and microbial genes (Khan et al., 2014), we should expect the gut microbiota to play a fundamental role in the health of its host. A compendium of research evidence demonstrates a compelling link between obesity and gut microbial composition. The connection between obesity and the gut microbiota is illustrated in the effects of diet on microbial diversity, the association of host genotype with microbial plasticity, the correlation of microbial diversity and metabolic disease, and the modulation of host metabolism by gut
While it is very surprising that answering a few multiple choice questions can reveal things unknown to the taker, the 16 Personalities quiz has my number for sure, especially when describing my faults. The test revealed, for instance, people with my type (the Logician) can be insensitive and condescending. I am sure that this is a “complete shock” to everyone who has ever met me. This test said that Logicians have immense difficulty with emotions, to the point where “Emotional situations can be utterly bewildering to Logicians, and their lack of timely sympathy can easily offend others.” There are several times where I can have problems dealing with other people’s emotions, and I wind up thoroughly confused. Insensitivity makes it very hard
the only area which I felt were not accuract to my personality were the career list it gave me. It gave me a lot of jobs that insist on mathematically reasoning, which is not a strong point of mines. Other than this I was surprised at the test’s accuracy.
Many people disagree and say the the best way to respond to conflict is to think about the future, but
You are fresh out of college with an English major. You want to sit down and begin your first piece of writing; a novel. You first brainstorm the events that will take place, the characters, the personality and characteristics of the characters, the setting and the overall plot of the story. Although, is that what you should be doing before anything else. Literary structure is the most important to finalize before the story’s interior.
A problem in life is acting without thinking. A hunter does not shoot a gun without aiming, yet most of the time, the same person acts without thinking. Complications with not thinking can be getting into trouble without meaning to, changing how others think of you or causing others to suffer, mentally or physically. Yet, society still does not think about their actions and how people affect others. In the future, people will start to be considerate about what they do.
I have found the test really interesting. All the questions were answered honestly and with great curiosity for the output. Although I had an idea of how my behavior and my attitude is, in some parts the results really surprised me. I know for example, that I am not really the best person to hang out; therefore the grade for Gregariousness was really high. I had also found out that I can be described as a little lazy, which I cannot say it is true, or although I feel a terrible sympathy for blind people (I really don’t know why) instead of another group of disabled people, nevertheless the test indicated that my level of sympathy is low, which was quite a big shock.
My personality type was ISFJ. I definitely was not surprised to see that my feeling was 34%. To me this makes sense because I follow my gut feeling a lot. I was surprised that my judgement was only 12% because I use my judgement a lot. I was very surprised to see that I was an Introvert at 6%. I am a very shy person and it takes a lot for me to break out of my shell. I would expect that number to be
This test surprised me with its accuracy. It was incredibly accurate in all of its assertions, at least from my perspective. I have many Ideals that I will argue tirelessly for given the opportunity. I am also everything it says negatively affects me. I slightly disagree on the sensitivity description due to me not being as quick to judge based on others Ideals as it thinks. I will argue,
Charles Popplestown wrote that “You cannot always control circumstances, but you can control your own thoughts.” Your attitudes determine how far you can go in life. When you have a winning attitude, when others sees difficulties in every opportunities, you will see opportunities in every difficulty and you will see challenges as a training ground for what lies ahead. You only get better results when you are thinking clearly; you might be strong in muscles and very much intelligent in your mind. But a slip and a sleep in thought would jeopardize everything you strongly believed and condemned everything you ever hope to achieve and terminate everything you have ever worked for.
I like to think things through by looking at both side of the issue the good and bad. When I go shopping most often time I have several things in by basket that I have decided to buy. As I walk through the store my thought pattern is if I really need the things in my basket, by the time I make it to the register half of the things have been put back. I think about if I need this or can it wait, most often it can wait. When encounter new information my thought pattern is in what way is this information going to benefit me, and in what part of my life will I use
Thinking skills always appear in problem solving process because it requires you to think for solutions out of the box. It develops your creativity and you learn how to look at a problem from different angles. (Kumar, Lecture on Applied Thinking, 2015).