
Thriller Conventions In The Black Swan

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Thriller conventions, being a psychological thriller director Darren Aronofosky used mainstream thriller conventions in The Black Swan, however he at some point broke the norm with some experimental conventions as we going to see below.

in comparison director Aronofosky used the colors black and white, these colours are often used in thrillers, The black and white swan characters are exaggerated by the use of black and white colors, giving the movie the feel that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
Being a psychological thriller, director Aronofosky used mirrors quite often
“Mirrors are used as convention of a thriller film to reflect one’s soul and inner self, they represent the darkness with in characters” (Jason S. …show more content…

Camera wise Aronofsky used the thriller conventions of tilted camera angles that never offer perfection, we see this when filming the daily grind of Nina’s obsessive practice in her mother’s apartment, this is a reflection of the perfection Nina is not achieving despite her obsessive practice.
Camera shakes, on the subway when Nina stands still but the camera shakes uncontrollably, a hint at expressing and knowing allusion to her uncontrollable insanity, Shaking in thrillers is used to connect to lack of control, which makes thriller in The Black swan real.
Point of view, in a film where the audience is trapped in a mind of a crazed woman, Aronofsky takes the “Crazy lady” genre recurrent theme set by Roman Polanski with Repulsion. A film, which begins with an intense close up of Catherine Deneuve’s eye. with the Black swans’s realism and naturism, the style doesn’t only ground it in the sense of reality but also gives it a sense of perspective. By entering Nina’s dreams and constantly showing her point of view the director created a thriller as we see the movie through her eyes , watching the action unfold through the protagonists eyes brings that tension and exciting

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