
Throwing A Football Essay

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As I used key terms like “ finger grip on a football” I was able to learn about how maybe you should grip the ball if having different sized hands and wear you hold a football can also affect the distance it's thrown like if you have a smaller hand you should grip it closer to the tip and if you have a bigger hand you should grip it closer to the middle of the ball. Which help me understand exactly how a ball is thrown and how the energy from your body gets focused into the ball making it fly. Another key term I used to learn about my project was “ the motion of throwing a football” this helped me understand which type of specific science throwing a football falls under. I have also used a Key Term of “ the science of throwing a football’ by using this …show more content…

As for a larger hand you are able to pine point where you want it because you are able to focus your strength more easie on one specific spot. Yes my results does in fact support my hypothesis. My hypothesis was that If did change the sizes of hands that the biggest hand would throw the farthest. As shown throughout my data you can see that if the hand is larger the ball can be thrown farther, like hand number 2 ( the biggest hand) was able to throw an average of about 21.16 yards which is the farthest average, Also hand number 4 ( the smallest hand ) was able to throw 8.5 yards which is the smallest distance. After realizing that my hypothesis was correct I do believe that my experiment

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